注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

城里人 2023-02-25

It's unbearably slow. With the editor, it took a whole 2 months, and the entire process took 11 months. There were 5 reviewers. If you're in a hurry, think twice before submitting.

籽月 2023-01-02

I am also looking for a Word template. My QQ email is 1505181481@.com. Thank you very much.

籽月 2023-01-02

I would like to request a Word template for circuits, systems, and signal processing. Please, and thank you.

ClareHan 2022-11-18

Hello, could you please share the word template for the journal "Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing"? Thank you very much! QQ email: 1528444082@q.com.

ClareHan 2022-11-18

Hello, could you please share the word template for the journal "Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing"? Thank you very much! qq email: 1528444082@xx.com.

libertyhhn 2021-11-04

This journal is particularly slow. Both reviewers didn't have much feedback, and the editor also gave three months for major revisions. The first review took six months, the second review took six months, and online publication took two months. In total, it takes a year. If you are in a hurry, it is advised to be cautious about submitting. However, the reviewers are still very friendly.

马小明 2021-08-26

Do you have a template for a thesis? Can you please send me a copy to my email for reference? Thank you. mrma2020@126.com

eric_123 2021-06-28

Seeking template, 757174172@qq.com

哈哈哈哈哈哈. 2021-06-27

Brother, can you please provide a template for this journal? Thank you very much.

亲爱的小buling 2021-06-26

2020.09.03 Recommended for submission to this journal after revisions.
2020.12.19 Major revision.
2021.03.12 Re-submission.
2021.06.23 Accepted, submit final version.
2021.06.25 Accepted.

Truly saying goodbye to undergraduate studies, my second SCI (Science Citation Index) paper. Feeling quite happy.

努力科研d小白 2021-04-19

Same question, want to know if the review speed is fast or not.

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