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FlyToYan 2021-07-07

Hello, may I ask how long the "With Journal Administrator" status has lasted after you submitted your contribution? It has been over a month for me and it's still in this status.

YJW342 2021-01-19

Posted on 2020.04.21,
Revised and completed on 2020.07.29,
Accepted for publication on 2020.07.30,
Published online on 2020.08.31,
Published in print on 2020.12.

The direction of the study is the investigation of the phase relationship of different physiological signals in the human body, mainly focusing on data analysis. Before submitting, other authors recommended submitting to Chronobiology International because of its fast review and publication speed. Feedback was received within 3 weeks of the initial review. The editor and two reviewers provided a total of 17 suggestions, and after revising the manuscript, acceptance was promptly notified.

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