认证评论 - ChemMedChem
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shiche 2023-02-19

It takes about 10 days to transition from an editor to a reviewer. Within 7 days, they send minor revision comments. After replying to the comments, it takes only 3 days for temporary acceptance. It took less than a month from submission to acceptance. It's just that this year's demotion is very difficult to bear.

2020140064 2021-05-24

The first round of review took a whole month, with two reviewers providing contrasting evaluations - one negative and one positive. The editor suggested in the letter that the paper could be submitted to Chemistry Select and also mentioned the possibility of seeking additional reviewers. After requesting a third reviewer from another country, the process sped up significantly. The following day, the status changed to "peer review," and after 10 days, feedback was received. The third reviewer recommended language polishing. After one week of language polishing, the paper was accepted.

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