注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

助力 2022-09-13

Please QQ1731019635, thank you, thank you, thank you.

科研我爱你 2022-07-20

Hello, may I ask if Xiao Xiu's revised manuscript should be sent by email or uploaded to the submission system? Is there a layout fee? How long does it take to receive the online version? Because I am about to graduate, I am in a hurry to get it.

王小黄 2022-07-16

6.8 - Rejection due to formatting issues
6.19 - Official submission
7.3 - Reviewer's comments received (minor revision and major revision required). Editor provided minor revision.
7.16 - Revised version returned
7.16 - Accepted

Lyric Verse 2022-05-17

Hello, may I trouble you to ask, do I need to send back the submission form and copyright to the editorial department within 14 days of submission? Otherwise, will the submission be invalid?

唐飞翔 2022-03-24

February 22nd, submission rejected due to incorrect format. Re-submitted on February 28th, sent for review on March 7th. Two minor revisions on March 18th, finalized and submitted on March 19th. Received on March 24th.

靓0715 2022-03-22

What happened later? I am in the same situation. It has been seven days.

唐飞翔 2022-03-15

Submitted an article on the topic of thin-film solar cells and it is currently undergoing external review. I heard that this journal rejects articles if they require major revisions, as they consider it a waste of time. I will update later when the results of the external review are available.

Edision 2022-03-14

Why has it been so long without assigning an editor, only displaying "Complete Checklist"?

椭圆三向箔 2022-01-10

I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused. Thank you very much.

root618 2022-01-10

How long is the Neon New Year holiday? Why hasn't the manuscript been processed yet?

NC-IIE 2021-11-11

No charge, it takes about three to five months for proof.

root618 2021-10-06

Is there a page fee?

wuli青古吖 2021-09-24

May I ask if this journal charges fees for article submission?

xinchen123 2021-08-14

Hello, may I ask if it is convenient for me to consult with you about the proof issue after receiving it?

xinchen123 2021-08-14

Submitted a paper at the beginning of June, received comments on the revised manuscript after twenty days, made minor revisions, received comments again on the seventh day, made minor revisions, and then it was accepted. Overall evaluation is good.

WYD728 2021-05-15

The article has been in the "assign reviewers" status for a week. I want to ask what this status means. Have reviewers been found? Thank you, I am in a hurry to graduate.

magicfury 2021-01-25

Hello, may I ask if it is convenient for me to consult with you? QQ1005627886

NC-IIE 2021-01-25

Arrange for review from the 4th to the 7th, submit for external review within 1 week, return after minor revisions in 2 days, accept within 2 days, and if it exceeds half a month, we will take it. The editor is very efficient.

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