注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

好运xs 2023-07-20

Hello, may I ask where to send emails? I couldn't find the place to send emails in the submission system.

zhuyanwen 2023-05-18

Big brother, can you give me a template? The journal says my format is incorrect.

cherish996 2022-11-29

This is the most speechless magazine I have ever submitted. It stayed "under review" for three months. I sent a reminder letter asking about the progress, but the editor replied asking me to wait for news without saying anything. I waited for another half a month and sent another reminder letter, but the editor replied with the exact same response, asking me to continue waiting for news without providing any information. After four months, I couldn't wait any longer and sent another reminder letter, and the next day I was rejected. One of the reviewers provided some comments, while the other one didn't say much. Anyway, I will never submit to this magazine again. The editor is too arrogant.

aaronsmith 2022-06-09

After two months of review, it was rejected. However, the reviewers provided 7 very constructive comments and recommended other journals. Overall, it's still quite good.

鲸鲸子 2022-04-16

CMLS pays attention to formatting. They require to complete missing information and resubmit the submission one day later. After that, they will reply within two days and recommend submitting to their affiliated journals. I agreed to submit to another journal and approximately one day later, they sent an email recommending 5 journals. The quality varied among them, and in the end, I decided to reject the submission.

桑桑菌 2022-01-17

I submitted a molecular biology gene editing method. This manuscript was previously rejected by Molecular Therapy. The quality of the first review response of this journal is much stronger than that of Molecular Therapy. The editing process is fast, and the professionalism and attentiveness of the reviewers are greatly appreciated. I submitted it at the end of July and received the first comments in less than 20 working days, allowing three months for major revisions. Due to the long experimental cycle, we applied for a one-month extension. We submitted it again around December 20th and received a reply in early January. Both reviewers were very satisfied with our additional experiments and text. After a minor revision, it was accepted for publication. Overall, the experience of submitting to this journal was very good, with the editors being very careful and efficient. The manuscript never stayed in the editor's hands for more than a day. I welcome everyone to submit more and promote this journal to the top tier.

sangbiao 2021-11-16

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