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S. 2023-05-26

Does anyone know how long it takes from being hired to being published?

cdd-- 2023-05-05

Can someone share a manuscript format template? Thank you.

Oreo0926 2023-03-23

Hello, may I ask how you pay the layout fee? We have tried many times but have not been successful.

xiejingtao 2023-01-04

The translation of the text is as follows:

Please be aware that the price for publication for authors is $750. We accept payments only from legal entities (not from individuals!).


Did you submit the manuscript first, or did you contact the editor first to organize the manuscript format before submitting?

苏曼殊 2022-04-20

Contact the editor via email, and the editor will send it to you.

Yuexin 2021-04-08

Hello, I would like to ask about the formatting requirements for submitting an article. I couldn't find them on the official website.

谢大头 2021-03-13

Those who submitted their work via email, received an acceptance email exactly two months later without any revisions. It was a bit confusing.

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