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梦幻大野狼 2023-06-20

May I ask how long you have received the proof? I haven't heard anything for six months.

oldbig黑手 2023-01-27

2022.01.01 Submission
2022.11.15 Minor revision
2022.12.27 Accept
2022.12.28 Awaiting Production Checklist
Having reviewed for nearly a year, it required multiple contacts with the editor, and the speed at each stage was slow, resulting in an unsatisfactory experience. I hope domestic journals can truly improve.

昨天太近6 2022-12-24

Submission 29-Aug-2022
Major revision 03-Nov-2022
Accepted 05-Dec-2022

wangke93511 2022-11-25

The editor is very responsible, but the review process is really slow, very slow. It often needs to be reminded, and it is unclear when it will be published.

Zheng SW 2022-02-25

Submitted for 12 months and got rejected! It shows that the requirements for AOS journals are becoming increasingly stringent. Keep working hard and continue to submit good papers!

duts 2022-02-08

Submitted in mid-November, received a minor revision and a major revision over a month later. Spent a month making changes and submitted the revised version at the end of January. After two more weeks, it was accepted in early February. The review process can be considered very fast.

liyongxu 2022-01-11

Quite slow, submitted in early April, major revision in mid-October, re-submitted after modification in mid-November, minor revision in early December, submitted after 2 days of modification, accepted at the end of December. Took 9 months in total. It will take more than 10 months to be published.

chinastigers 2021-11-17

2021/06/26 Submission
2021/08/16 Major revision
2021/09/12 Revised manuscript returned (R1)
2021/10/10 Major revision
2021/10/28 Revised manuscript returned (R2)
2021/11/14 Accepted
The quality of the paper is average, and the research direction is physical oceanography. The entire submission process took five months, and the editors and reviewers were very responsible. The review process was also relatively fast. I wish the domestic SCI to continue to improve!

TracyChen 2021-11-17

5.6 Submission
10.13 Minor revisions
10.23 Return for revisions
11.10 Accepted

YuHangsong 2021-10-30

It took nearly a year from submission to acceptance, and the review process was relatively slow with two major revisions. I feel that the overall quality of this journal is improving, and it is not as easy to have articles accepted as before. I support domestic journals that are open to the world.

cuoouc 2021-03-26

Submitted in early August.
Received major revision comments one month later, including one minor revision and one major revision.
Received reviewer comments on October 17th.
Article accepted on November 25th.
Overall, the process was very fast. Support domestic journals in marine studies! Hope it continues to improve and prosper.

leileileia 2021-01-21

It took one month for the submission review and three months for the manuscript review, making a total of four months. One reviewer made minor revisions, while another reviewer did not provide constructive comments and rejected the submission. The editor also rejected it. Overall, the level of the reviewers' expertise seems uneven. Additionally, the submission process was very slow.

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