注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

李宁Lee 2022-09-27

My situation is the same as yours. May I ask how long you have been in this state, and what was the final result?

beautiful123 2022-01-24

Accepting animal nutrition

科研咸鱼 2022-01-23

BJN, EJN, and JN used to be the three leading journals in the field of nutrition. Among them, only JN is now ranked as a top journal in Zone 2 according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. However, BJN has been downgraded to Zone 3, indicating a decline in its reputation.

simon_Y 2021-11-22

Has anyone submitted articles on animal nutrition to this magazine? Does this journal only accept articles on human nutrition? Looking forward to the expert's response.

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