认证评论 - BMC Veterinary Research
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听风雨 2023-03-29

The reviewers are professional in reviewing, and they make modifications according to the experts' opinions line by line. After the modifications, the paper is accepted and published quickly.

马拉松 2022-01-07

"Editor invited" means "what does it mean?" in English.

whr0458 2021-11-16

Submission in April, acceptance in November, with three months in between for editorial allocation. The actual review period is four months, with two of those months spent on editorial review. The actual review time is less than two months, so the speed is relatively slow (possibly because my research topic is niche). However, the journal responds to emails promptly, which is commendable. The reviewers are professional and provided useful suggestions. It is recommended to submit if there is sufficient time.

zhu猪虾 2021-05-27

Can you please share the process of reviewing manuscripts? What does "Editors invited" mean?

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