认证评论 - BMC Medical Genomics
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成了 2023-04-27

Can I trouble you to ask if the "送外审" status shows as "under REVIEW" or does it always indicate "peer review"?

xijinpig 2023-01-15

An article was submitted to the journal Bioscience Report, but no peer reviewers could be found, which wasted three months. It was then transferred to this journal. The peer review process took over a month, with more than 20 comments mainly focused on revisions in the discussion section. After making the revisions, it was accepted within two weeks. Recently, I noticed that the proportion of Chinese authors in this journal is quite high, which is concerning.

然斐 2022-08-06

May I ask if you have received it now?

笑忘书 2022-03-15

Old submission website: https://www.editorialmanager.com/MGNM
The new submission uses a new website: https://author-welcome.nature.com/12920

xxs0508 2021-05-04

From submission to acceptance, it went through three rounds of review, lasting for eight months.

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