注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Acejun 2022-09-06

Submitted, still waiting for the editorial department to process, just like you.

小栋 2022-06-06

May I ask how long it takes to assign an academic editor? The submission has been "Awaiting Editorial Office Processing" for one week.

Bizkit 2021-08-25

2021.5.12 Submission
2021.5.25 Under review
2021.6.17 Major revisions, given one month, completed experiments in one week, but submitted at the deadline
2021.7.16 Submitted revised manuscript
2021.8.11 Accepted
The editing was very prompt, the journal is very friendly, suitable for beginners and friends who need articles in the short term.

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