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zhang 2023-07-18

Record post
7.09 Submission
7.13 With editor

want_sci 2023-06-05

Record post
5.25 Submission
6.5 With Editor

Hyacinth929 2022-11-28

The comments on the manuscript are professional, and the submission cycle is relatively short.

Chen必中 2022-08-16

Did you receive a reply after sending the email, bro? It's been almost a month for me too, and I still haven't received the proof.

随欲 2022-08-06

I have been waiting for a month and still haven't received any news about the proof. I sent an email to the editing company today to urge them, hoping it won't be a lost cause.

Chen必中 2022-08-01

May I ask how long it took for you to receive the proof email for your article?

Chen必中 2022-07-28

Receive the first review result in about 50 days, major revisions;
Receive the second review result in about one month after submission, minor revisions;
Receive the acceptance result in about one week after submission.
The overall submission period is about four months. Thanks to the editor and reviewers!

随欲 2022-07-03

The first review takes 2 months with one reviewer and requires major revisions. After 1 month of revision, there is a small revision to be done after half a month. After 2 days of revision, it will be accepted half a month later. In total, it will take around 4 months. Just follow the reviewer's suggestions for a good improvement, it will be fine.

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