注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

做最好的自己123 2022-05-14

I submitted it on April 24th, but still no response! This journal is really famous for being slow.

梦回天明 2022-05-10

5.3 submitted to journal - This means that a document or manuscript has been sent to a journal for consideration or publication.
5.6 with editor - This indicates that the document or manuscript is currently being reviewed or edited by an editor.

墨云 2022-05-07

Then you wait slowly, it's still early.

foolbear 2022-05-04

Submitted in mid-January, still with the editor after a month and a half. Helplessly sent a reminder email, and three days later, it went under review. It has been two months now, and it is still under review.

wenhao lv 2022-05-03

The text translates to: "The one submitted on 4-06, is still 'with editor' until now, does it mean there is no chance?"

hu1987 2022-05-03

After finishing the 4.20 project, I have been with the editor. I don't know how long it will last...

芝士蟹宝 2022-04-14

This magazine is like this. The person I know who submitted to this, whether it was rejected or sent for review, there is no decision made by the editor within 4 weeks.

医学搬运工 2022-04-12

3.25投,至今还是with editor translates to "Submitted on March 25th, still with editor."

医学搬运工 2022-04-12

At 3:25, it is still in the hands of the editor.

下巴都惊掉了 2022-04-10

I have been with the editor for more than 10 days, it's really slow and torturous.

Qiu jieshou 2022-04-07

The journal is not bad! However, the editing process is extremely slow! With editor's rejection without reason for 1 month. If you are a student who needs your article to be published within 8 months, please consider carefully.

wuhao1 2022-04-02

Brother, I just submitted my work too. Can we exchange contacts for further communication?

wuhao1 2022-04-02

May I ask how long it took for the editor to submit it for review in the end?

好运来 2022-03-24

May I ask how long it took for you to submit the final review?

求毕业//// 2022-03-03

How long does it usually take for the editor to make a decision after "with edtior"?

727384211 2022-02-28

May I ask, what is the current status now?

千笑 2022-02-18

Has the processing speed slowed down after the new year? It's been 10 days and it's still "with editor". What should I do?

一碗月亮茶 2022-02-11

There have been no movements for 19 days

NJ777 2022-02-10

Too slow, it has been 22 days and the decision of whether to submit for review has not been made yet.

HW 2022-01-17

Why is it still submitting to the journal after a week of submission?

heimao884 2022-01-12

2021.1.03 submit - Submitted on January 3, 2021
2021.1.05 with editor - With editor on January 5, 2021
到现在没有进展 - No progress has been made so far.

kauidianzhong 2022-01-11

The longer it takes, does it mean there is less chance of success?

heimao884 2022-01-07

May I ask how long you have been in the "under review" status?

heimao884 2022-01-07

Has your article entered the "under review" status?

accept-publish 2022-01-04

Excuse me, is there any news? How long does it take to receive a response for "under review"?

dewy 2021-12-24

It is estimated that the holidays are coming.

na15566613400 2021-12-24

It has been 24 days with the editor.

dewy 2021-12-23

Have you submitted your application for review? I have been submitting for ten days and it's still "with editor".

dewy 2021-12-22

Has there been any change in the status of your submission? I submitted mine on the 13th, and it is still "with editor" now.

Fyellow 2021-12-20

Very normal, some one or two months are still with the editor.

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