注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

麦田里 2022-10-08

That is indeed a research worth celebrating! Congratulations, I am still striving for it, keep it up!

Bryan227 2022-09-14

Submitted on May 26th, the first review began three days later. On June 28th, the first review result underwent major revisions (90 days). There were four reviewers, with 40% providing suggestions on writing conventions and word usage. It is important to carefully consider and address the more profound questions, as there is a possibility of providing incorrect answers. Additionally, some experiments were redone. The revised manuscript was submitted on July 22nd, and the second review concluded on August 20th with the outcome being "Acceptable with minor revisions." On September 1st, the revised version was submitted, and three days later, it entered the decision process, followed by acceptance after one day. The entire process went quite smoothly. Previously, after three months of initial review, the submission to BJOG was rejected. Modifications were made based on the feedback and then submitted to another journal with a score over 5. After one month, it was rejected again, and further modifications were made according to the feedback. Keep up the good work, everyone! BOR is considered a reputable journal in the field of reproductive studies.

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