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3606 2023-07-24

There is no comparison between aap and part/trans in terms of technology. It is way too simple. Just replacing the dataset with those outdated models results in an article.

mjc 2023-07-10

It should be a well-established transportation journal that is on par with these journals.

mjc 2023-07-10

It should be a well-established transportation journal that is on par with these journals.

mjc 2023-07-10

AAP Traffic Top Journal, not good for recruitment.

36369 2023-05-15

You are considered fast. My manuscript, "decision in process," took from December 1st to April 20th to be rejected. Honestly, I can't understand why this process took so long. The manuscript was submitted on September 20th, and between September 20th and November 30th, it went through editing, peer review, and waiting for complete reviewer feedback. This process was relatively fast.

Lxh0421 2023-03-05

Is there still no result now?

San Zhang 2023-01-29

1. The submission was rejected by the editorial department very quickly (within 7 days), but the status remained as "Decision in Process" for over 6 weeks. It should have been rejected, but they took over a month to inform me, which was quite time-consuming.
2. This journal seems to not be interested in research in the field of health.

czy 2022-12-01

This journal places great emphasis on case studies and inductive research papers.

ZHLansama 2022-05-27

Great journal in Human Factors/Ergonomics: My first submission was in Jan. 2021, and it took 11 months with four editors and four rounds of revisions to get the paper published. I appreciate the fast turnaround and recommend this journal in general.

Translation: I had a great experience with a journal specialized in Human Factors/Ergonomics. I submitted my first paper in January 2021, and it went through four editors and four rounds of revisions before finally getting published after 11 months. I am grateful for the quick processing time and would generally recommend this journal.

3606 2022-03-26

The review speed is fast, usually taking only 2 months for one round. The cost-effectiveness in the field of transportation is still acceptable (if high, the difficulty is low). However, the recognition is still inferior to established transportation journals like tr-part tits jtg.

Titus_Alexius 2022-02-19

Submission in September 2021.
The status "under review" lasted for approximately one month, followed by "decision in process" for nearly six months (until now).
The review process was fast, but the speed of manuscript handling by the editor was too slow.
It is advisable for doctoral students who want to graduate within the last year or two to not submit to this journal.

The first review process lasted for 8 months, with 4 reviewers and an editor providing comments. The final decision given was "REJECT".

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