认证评论 - BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

我爱开心 2023-06-16

Hello, what happened later? I submitted it on May 29th, and now it's still under technical review. I'm speechless.

嘟嘟 2023-04-28

May I ask how long it takes for you to receive the review comments for my article? I am currently submitting and it feels very slow. I am hesitant about whether I should withdraw it or not.

zjt88 2023-01-06

I submitted my manuscript on October 12, 2022, and it still shows "Editorial Assessment" as of January 6, 2023. What does this mean? I have followed up twice, and the journal contact said they have conveyed it to the editor, but there has been no progress. I really want to switch my submission.

yy 2022-03-29

The first trial took nearly 6 months, and the system shows that only one person's review report has been received...

yy 2022-03-28

Surprisingly slow...

四毛 2022-01-18

After changing the name, the impact factor of the new name is recalculated and has no relation to the previous one.

四毛 2022-01-18

My own submission page has progress.

baidulyac 2022-01-08

Previously called BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M), the impact factor last year was 3.659. How is it now 0? The E-ISSN is still 2662-7671, did the author change their identity and reset it to zero?

贲煜 2021-12-30

May I ask where to check the progress after submission?

四毛 2021-12-20

Subject: BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies
Discipline: Categorization: Top journal
Major category: 3rd tier - No
Minor category: INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE - General Medicine and Complementary Medicine - 2nd tier

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