认证评论 - Fractal and Fractional
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hui_ 2023-06-29

If we can score above 5 points, can we return to the top of the first division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences again?

Zhaotinggang 2023-04-08

A very fast and powerful magazine, but it only dropped to number three.

IEFLS 2023-04-05

This journal has deteriorated. I feel like it has also started to engage in irrelevant discussions. I hope the responsible person will make reforms.

Zhaotinggang 2023-03-30

My reviewers are actually six!

分形维数与分数阶微积分 2023-03-07

Four reviewers, accepted after one major revision and one minor revision.
Submission process: Received: 27 May 2022
Accepted: 13 July 2022
Published: 20 July 2022

huuu 2023-02-27

Excuse me, fellow forum members, does this journal charge submission fees? Is the article processing fee paid after acceptance?

小虫子帅 2023-02-25

I have a fractal paper that I want to submit to this journal. I wanted to ask if this journal has any discount coupons? If so, please add me as a friend and contact me. Thank you.

休语 2023-01-28

An exceptionally difficult submission experience...
Submitted in September 2022, the first round of review took over three months, and on December 25, 2022, received major revision comments.
One of the reviewers was extremely meticulous. Following their requirements, almost the entire abstract, introduction, and conclusion had to be rewritten. Three paragraphs discussing the recommended literature by the reviewer were added to the Related Work section, and two figures were included.
The Associate Editor requested the revised version to be returned within 10 days, which is quite unreasonable! As a result, this inexperienced individual had to stay up late every night, working tirelessly.
There are very few journals in the field of fractals, basically just Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Fractals, and Fractal and Fractional. Hopefully, these journals will continue to thrive and improve!

hui_ 2023-01-12

Although I encountered unfair rejection letters, I was able to regain the opportunity for reevaluation through a rebuttal letter of about 40 pages. I had to swallow my pride and accept it. Although it was eventually accepted, there was no sense of joy. What was most frustrating was that the journal's ranking dropped to Zone 3 (although it is a subcategory of Zone 2). I dare not say it made it to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 1.

自动化 2022-12-27

The current article processing fee has changed to: required (CHF1800).

保佑Accept 2022-11-23

The template is available on this official website and can be downloaded.

自动化 2022-11-17

Editorial not for review? What's going on? Don't just reject it with a template, give a reason!

保佑Accept 2022-11-07

2022.9.7 online first translates to "September 7, 2022, online first."

保佑Accept 2022-09-05

7.28 Submission Received
8.22 Major Revisions
8.30 Revised Version Received
8.31 Accept


7.28 Submission Received
8.22 Major Revisions
8.30 Revised Version Received
8.31 Accept

科研之光加油 2022-04-03

This journal editor is particularly responsible. The papers they write are usually not directly sent for review. There are quite a few people who submit their papers based on the manuscript number. It's quite difficult to be among the 50 chosen out of 5-6 thousand! The reviewers they invite are all top experts in the field, and they provide insightful questions that focus on the core points of the paper. Their suggestions are objective and can greatly improve the quality of the paper. After half a month of revisions and submitting, the results of half a year of research are finally published! I have high expectations for this journal and hope that it will continue to maintain its quality. It is a very good journal in the fields of mathematics PDE, physics, mechanics, etc. I hope it will continue to improve!

阿里咖咖 2022-03-09

Next year, it will become the third district.

博士李 2021-12-20

It is probably a first-tier journal in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There are very few first-tier journals in the field of mathematics.

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