认证评论 - FlatChem
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RWsrwS 2023-08-03

2023.07.15 submitted
2023.07.26 under review
There is no "with editor" status. It was sent for review directly after 11 days. The track submission shows 8 reviewers and 1 accepted invitation.

superan 2023-02-24

Two reviewers, their opinions are quite professional, and the publication speed after acceptance is very fast! It took a total of 3 and a half months from submission to publication.

安东尼奥 2022-09-14

8 July: Submit
10 August: Major
24 August: Resubmit
14 September: Accept

Barsoun Liu 2022-01-07

Two reviewers provided very professional opinions. The quality of the article improved after revisions, and it was accepted approximately two weeks later.

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