认证评论 - Geo-Spatial Information Science
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

王大大 2023-05-29

Has the OP got any results?

小青年 2023-05-07

It has been over a month, and there is still no news.

依缘 2023-04-14

In the waiting for the result, hoping for a major overhaul!

依缘 2023-03-18

In the given text, it mentions the dates and status updates of a manuscript submission process. The last sentence seems to compare something with "Remote Sensing," but it is unclear what exactly is being compared. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?


May I ask where to find the LaTeX template for this journal? The official website only mentions that papers can be submitted in any format but does not provide a LaTeX template for papers.

www123 2022-03-29

Hello, I would like to ask if you have received it. How long does the average review cycle take?

骑驴逛武大 2021-07-18

Wuhan University's Surveying and Mapping Remote Sensing students' watering journal

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