认证评论 - Frontiers in Energy Research
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小火车 2023-07-31

28 Jul 2023 Article accepted for publication.
24 Jul 2023 Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
10 Jul 2023 Re-submitted manuscript.
28 Jun 2023 Review of Review Editor 4 finalized.
24 Jun 2023 Interactive review forum activated.
28 May 2023 Submitted manuscript.

qiuer7 2023-07-29

May I ask how much is the fee for this journal? Is it 2720 US dollars?

奈良云彻 2023-02-26

How much is the article processing fee for this journal?

科研赵赵 2023-01-18

Graduation magazine, fast speed, feedback within 20 days, two reviewers, one for minor revisions and one for major revisions. The questions asked are easy to answer. Three days after sending the revised manuscript, a notice of acceptance and online access will be received. The editor-in-chief is responsible and is a great expert from MIT.

Simonhoward 2022-12-24

At which step were you rejected? My paper is still waiting for an assigned editor.

小花----- 2022-12-23

Hello, may I ask about the template and specific formatting requirements for this journal? Urgently needed.

科研小丹 2022-11-25

Both reviewers agreed to accept, but it has been 11 days waiting for the editor's response. Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

aabbccdd@ 2022-11-22

31 Aug 2022 submitted manuscript
12 Sep 2022 Interactive review forum activated
19 Sep 2022 Review of Reviewer 2 is finalized
30 Sep 2022 re-submitted manuscript, posted new comments
21 Oct 2022 Article accepted for publication.
02 Nov 2022 publication

31 Aug 2022: The manuscript was submitted.
12 Sep 2022: The interactive review forum was activated.
19 Sep 2022: The review by Reviewer 2 is finalized.
30 Sep 2022: The manuscript was re-submitted with new comments.
21 Oct 2022: The article was accepted for publication.
02 Nov 2022: Publication.

Joh 2022-10-31

May I ask how long the processing time of the journal is after acceptance? When will it be officially published? Thank you.

Joh 2022-10-31

July submission, September acceptance, the initial speed was acceptable, and the two reviewers were relatively friendly.
However, after acceptance, the processing speed slowed down. It has been a month in the production department and there has been no progress. When inquiring via email, they mentioned delays but even after urging, there has been no progress.
Has anyone encountered this situation before? How should I reflect, urge, or complain to make progress?

26 Sep 2022 submitted the author's proof corrections and approved the author's proof.
23 Sep 2022 The typesetter uploaded author’s proof.
12 Sep 2022 Article accepted for publication.
09 Sep 2022 Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript.
02 Sep 2022 Interactive review forum activated.
05 Jul 2022 submitted manuscript.

木槿 2022-10-25

It took a long time to find reviewers in the early stage, but the review process was relatively fast after the review comments came out. The following is the reference process:

24 Oct 2022: Article accepted for publication.
08 Oct 2022: Review finalized.
07 Oct 2022: Manuscript resubmitted.
21 Sep 2022: Interactive review forum activated.
01 Jun 2022: Manuscript submitted.

Asan 2022-09-27

2022.8.18 Submission
2022.9.19 Revision
2022.9.27 Acceptance

Dogking122 2022-09-22

Battery Special Issue "Carbon-Based Batteries and Supercapacitors" Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/46918/advanced-carbon-based-materials-for-next-generation-batteries-and-supercapacitors. Welcome to submit, we will process it quickly.

科研小丹 2022-09-16

Excuse me, it has been nearly 20 days since my minor repair and I still haven't received any updates. What should I do?

大牛的反面教材 2022-08-10

The reviewing process was relatively fast, taking about half a month. However, the editing process was a bit slower.

09 Aug 2022 Accepted
06 Aug 2022 Minor revision
16 Jul 2022 Substantial revision
26 Jun 2022 Submit

hngauto 2022-08-09

20 Jun 2022 Submitting
20 Jul 2022 Article accepted for publication

There were four reviewers, and they responded one by one, with a relatively long time span. The reviewers were serious and responsible, and there was a significant improvement.

hngauto 2022-08-02

May I ask, how long does it take from hiring to publishing?

uanin03 2022-07-05

2022.3.8 Submission
2022.5.30 Review Comments
2022.6.4 Revision
2022.7.4 Acceptance
Four reviewers provided many comments. Luckily, it was accepted in the end, taking four months in total. This article of mine was really slow...

LUOHH 2022-06-21

Hello, I would like to ask if there are specific formatting requirements for submission. I have been searching for a guide for a long time but have not found one.

ysth 2022-05-27

The submission was received and accepted within 21 days, which is considered quite fast. The reviewers and editors were good, providing constructive and actionable feedback. Thank you!

The article was published on May 25, 2022.
The final review was confirmed on May 24, 2022.
Modifications were completed on May 20, 2022.
The review was completed with minor revisions on May 15, 2022.
The article was sent for external review on May 6, 2022.
The article was submitted on May 4, 2022.

凡凡1 2022-04-15

Hello, may I ask how much time you spent on the independent review? It has been two weeks for me and I only received one review comment.

aaronrazor 2022-04-15

I feel that this magazine is very efficient, with good quality articles. However, the layout fee is indeed a bit expensive, and the number of published articles is a bit low. Other than that, everything is good.

凡凡1 2022-04-15

Hello, may I ask how long did your independent review take? It has been two weeks for me and it still hasn't finished.

菜狗 2022-04-14

The review process is fast, and the quality of the articles is good. The impact factor of energy journals has great potential, although they are slightly expensive.

ifly 2022-04-05

Will not decrease, energy-related journals will only rise and not fall.

ifly 2022-04-05

The review process is fast and the review is professional. I have also reviewed several manuscripts for this journal. Recently, I have been invited to serve as a guest editor, overseeing a special issue on electrochemical energy materials. If anyone is interested in submitting a manuscript, you can choose to submit to the special issue I am hosting, titled "Advanced Micro/Nano Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Application". Submission is welcome.

凡凡1 2022-03-29

Hello, may I ask if it is possible to retrieve the information after being employed for about three months?

凡凡1 2022-03-29

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to be able to retrieve after being hired?

chang0105 2022-03-27

After receiving, it takes about 3 months to retrieve.

chang0105 2022-03-27

The overall speed is good, and the quantity of papers has increased, but I'm afraid it might affect the impact factor.

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