认证评论 - Biology-Basel
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

QQlebron 2023-03-03

The journal is rigorous, having undergone 3 rounds of revisions, paying attention to formatting and editing.

Andre 2022-04-12

The review process is very fast. Currently, there are three editors reviewing our submission, and it took a total of 20 days from submission to acceptance. The cost is now CHF2000. It's a graduation miracle magazine!

CARNAVALITO 2022-01-30

Written summary. The review speed is indeed very fast. The first review took 21 days with two reviewers, one agreed to publish while the other said the writing was very poor. Due to the significant difference in opinions, a third reviewer was sought, who agreed to publish but suggested major revisions. It took about 28 to 29 days from submission to obtaining the final result. Unfortunately, it was flagged and I had to withdraw the submission halfway. I advise all colleagues to be cautious when submitting, as the future direction of the warning list is unclear. It is better for everyone not to submit.

时小星 2021-12-22

I feel that I haven't done too little, and the external review is not particularly easy either. You can give it a try and see for yourself.

EX-Engineer 2021-12-07

Is this journal good or not? I want to submit to a low-quality journal.

时小星 2021-07-30

The editor is very serious and responsible, and the review speed is extremely fast. Basically, you can get a reply in about half a month for each process.

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