认证评论 - Journal of Materiomics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

夜乄秋 2023-02-20

Top journal in the first district, very promising publication!

小城市 2022-10-25

The impact factor is increasing rapidly, hoping to reach the first quartile.

moling 2022-05-03

Do you still need the layout fee now? Do I need to pay for it?

KK9123 2022-04-09

2.14 Submitted to journal
2.15 Under Review
3.22 Major Revision
4.01 Revision Submitted
4.07 Accept

2.14 Submitted to journal
2.15 Under Review
3.22 Major Revision
4.01 Revision Submitted
4.07 Accept

科研小菜菜111 2021-10-15

The review speed is fast, but the publication is comparably slow. I wonder if it can be included in the first zone this year. When this journal first entered SCI, everyone thought it had a good momentum. However, the impact factor this year has not increased much compared to last year. Hopefully, it can rise next year. Looking forward to it.

banzhuangong07 2021-10-04

2021-7-06 submitted to Journal
2021-7-13 with editor
2021-7-14 under Review
2021-8-19 revise major Revision
2021-8-31 with editor
2021-9-7 Under Review
2021-10-1 accept
Three months, neither long nor short. But it finally came out before graduation.

zczhao 2021-07-30

How much is the layout fee?

科研狗六天妹妹 2021-04-09

Why am I being notified to pay a page fee?

科研狗六天妹妹 2021-04-09

Did you receive any email recently asking for payment of layout fees?

钉子 2021-03-19

This is a review article that I just received. The efficiency is very high. I feel that the development of this journal should be good.

呀呀 2021-02-03

2020.10.27 submitted to journal
2021.01.05 major revision
2021.01.16 revision submitted to journal
2021.02.01 accept

The journal has good quality and promising prospects. Wishing the journal continued success!

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