认证评论 - Nature Electronics
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Jumpdowner 2023-01-03

Waited for 23 days, the editor directly rejected the submission. It feels really bad.

北极狼 2022-08-25

Hello, may I ask if there are any requirements for the submission format? Is it single-column or double-column? Do I need to set it up in advance? I saw on the official website that the format doesn't matter, so I'm asking the experienced ones. Thank you.

天蓝和柠檬黄 2022-01-21

This is an electronic journal where innovative work at the system level may be easily included.

七彩 2021-10-23

Does this require materials?

天蓝和柠檬黄 2021-08-02

The first submission was to the journal Nature, with three reviewers - two positive and one negative. After making revisions based on the editor's suggestions, it was resubmitted to NE (presumably another journal). Due to one of the reviewers requesting an additional experiment and coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic, it took about half a year to transfer the submission to NE. Shortly after, the first review from NE was received, and it involved the same three reviewers from Nature. The requested revisions were minor, and after making these adjustments, the submission was accepted for publication.

Dizzer 2021-06-18

After impatiently waiting for more than ten days after submitting, the editor casually found a reason to reject it.

稳赢赢 2021-01-19

May I ask how long it takes to receive the editorial comments after submission? Additionally, I have another question: does this journal allow preprints?

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