认证评论 - Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
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XXL 2023-04-24

2023.4.23 With Editor

yohayeah 2023-04-24

Has it been slowing down recently? It hasn't reached the editor's hands yet.

XXL 2023-04-21

2023.4.12 Submitted to Journal
2023.4.21 Submitted to Journal

stone521 2023-02-23

2023.1.10 Submit
2023.1.12 With editor
2023.1.13 Under review
2023.2.12 Major Revision
2023.2.16 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.2.17 With editor
2023.2.17 Under review
2023.2.22 Accept

2023.1.10 Submit
2023.1.12 With editor
2023.1.13 Under review
2023.2.12 Major Revision
2023.2.16 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.2.17 With editor
2023.2.17 Under review
2023.2.22 Accept

桔#梗 2022-12-21

"Surprisingly, it has risen to Zone 2."

桔#梗 2022-11-22

May I ask, how long does it usually take to receive the proof after acceptance?

桔#梗 2022-08-07

Hello, may I ask if there is a detailed review process? How long does it usually take to be with the editor, and how long does it take to be submitted for review?

baiyih 2021-08-27

Hello, my review process is similar to yours. I would like to ask how long it takes for your minor revisions to be accepted after being resubmitted?

拉格朗日中值定理 2021-08-23

Very quickly, in about two weeks, after sending the proof, it can be retrieved in approximately three to four days.

东东东东东东东 2021-07-01

How long will it take to be retrieved, please?

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