认证评论 - Biomolecules
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bigb 2023-02-27


GG2020 2023-02-09

Maybe it's just my bad luck, but I have encountered editors and junior editors who work very slowly, resulting in a poor experience.

There were very few comments from the two reviewers in the first review, and it took nearly a month for the editor to handle it. Additional reviewers were added, but another month passed without any progress.

何小米 2022-12-22

"2022 upgraded version or return to the second zone." translates to "Upgraded version in 2022 or back to the second zone."

robinchen95 2022-10-14

Research on biomarkers, a special issue was submitted. The efficiency was very high, with a first review taking 20 days and involving 4 reviewers. One of the reviewers raised many statistical questions, which required additional analysis. The second review took 4 days, with 3 reviewers providing additional comments mainly on language and formatting issues. After revisions were made, the paper was accepted within 2 days and underwent a 2-day proofreading process before being published online on the same day. The status changes in the system were as follows:

Pending review (Aug 26)
Under review (Aug 30)
Pending major revision (Sep 19)
Resubmit 1st round (Oct 4)
Pending minor revision (Oct 8)
Resubmit 2nd round (Oct 10)
Pending editor decision (Oct 10)
Accept (Oct 12)
Proof resubmit (Oct 14)


What reasons were given for the rejection of the manuscript?

半π 2022-08-28

I checked the current impact factor, and it has surpassed a series of well-known MDPI journals such as Nanomaterials, Pharmaceutics, and Int J Mol Sci. However, their prices are cheaper than those journals. It is estimated that the impact factor will be close to 7 or 8 in the next year. Overall, it should be the best choice among MDPI journals!

昊晨 2022-08-26

Good reputation, strict review comments, it can be considered a magazine that can pass through, an upgraded version should be able to reach the second district.

何小米 2022-07-07

The magazine is considered to have a good reputation among MDPI, hopefully the upgraded version next year can return to the second district.

半π 2022-06-30

The rejection rate seems to be high, and the speed cannot be faster.

不加冰 2022-06-23

Are the two rounds of reviewers the same?

黎明之前 2022-06-16

6.12 submit
6.15 declined for publication
Declined quite quickly, doesn't delay things, that's good.

Ankle 2022-06-16

5.29 submit (pending review) - This means that the submission was made on May 29th and is currently awaiting review.
5.30 under review - This indicates that the item or situation is currently being reviewed or evaluated.
6.15 pending decision - This means that a decision is yet to be made and is expected to be made on June 15th.

hollytianye 2022-02-09

The reviewer's comments were sharp, but the overall opinion was leaning towards positive. However, in the end, the paper was rejected by the editor but encouraged for resubmission. After making revisions and conducting additional experiments based on the reviewer's comments, the paper went through two more rounds of review, which were much stricter than my stereotypical impression of MDPI. After resubmission, it took less than a month for the paper to be accepted, so the process was still quite fast.

ixm 2022-01-03

The reviewer's comments are very sharp.

kapono 2021-10-29

A very fast journal, costing approximately 14,000 RMB.

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