认证评论 - JCI Insight
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

suleyman 2022-01-12

The review process is relatively fast, and it takes three weeks to receive the first review result.
The review is meticulous and pays attention to details. More than 30 questions generally require experimental answers.
The revision took nearly one year, and the cost-effectiveness feels slightly low.

Lightinnorth 2021-09-10

Regarding single-cell sequencing, the two reviewers were very strict in their evaluation. I feel that the future impact factor should be able to exceed 10.

坐对一青山 2021-07-14

Around one month, will send communication via email.

zhanyang 2021-07-13

Hello, I would like to ask how long it takes to receive In-Press Previews after receiving the acceptance email? Will the corresponding author receive a confirmation email?

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