认证评论 - ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
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SKr---- 2023-07-03

Not oa, free.

梦芷雪 2023-05-06

How much does this journal charge?

Buenos ,Aires 2023-04-08

2023.1.13 Submission;
2023.2.14 Major repair;
2023.3.14 Rework;
2023.4.6 Acceptance.

Buenos ,Aires 2023-03-16

Révision soumise le 13 mars 2023.

Translation: Revision submitted on March 13, 2023.

Argentina 2023-01-13

Status: Under Review
Submitted on 13 January 2023
Just making a note, wishing for good luck.

一刀倾城 2022-11-17

A small issue that has been closely followed for a long time. It took a total of 70 days from submission to receiving the first review comments, and both reviewers suggested minor revisions. The editor gave 15 days for the revisions. After submitting again, it took two more days to make formatting changes, and it was finally accepted the next day. ACS's journals have a good reputation, but it seems that they have not yet reached the expected results since their launch.

一飞冲天 2022-09-21

0806 Submitted
0807 Associate Editor Assigned
0810 Associate Editor Assigned
0817 In Peer Review
0907 Minor Revision (9.20 deadline)
0915 Revision submitted
0915 Associate Editor Assigned
0916 In Peer Review
0919 Revision requested (format modification)
0920 Accepted
The speed is quite fast, and the editor is Liu Chongxuan from South University of Science and Technology. This article has gone through ups and downs. After being rejected by Water Research, it was resubmitted to WR after supplementary experiments were conducted according to the reviewers' comments, but it was rejected again. Then it was submitted to Sci. Total Environ., EP, and Chemosphere, but none of them were reviewed. Finally, it was submitted to this ACS journal in the field of geochemistry. The quality of this new journal is good at the beginning, and many industry experts have published articles in it. However, the influence of geochemistry journals is limited, and the impact factor is estimated to not increase for a while. Therefore, it was ultimately chosen to be published in this journal due to the recognition of ACS's reputation.

三叶草iii 2022-08-07

When the new journal first came out, the quality of the articles was very high and was on par with many articles in the EST (Environmental Science and Technology) journal. However, possibly due to its lower ranking in the Chinese Academy of Sciences division, the recent articles have started to vary in quality, with some indeed being at the level of third-tier journals. I wonder if this journal can continue to improve and advance further.

夏雨雪 2022-04-30

I thought it would be fast. After sending it, the editorial department did indeed review it quickly, but it took almost half a year to receive a reply, and there was only one expert opinion, suggesting major revisions. After the major revisions, it took about one month to be accepted.

The editorial department is quite good. Previously, the format I uploaded was not correct, but they patiently sent emails asking me to modify the format before resubmitting.

2/3 Observer 2021-07-13

The supervisor highly values this journal and comments on its future: there is no reason for it to not be famous. Submitted on May 19th, two minor revisions were requested on June 28th, a response was given on July 8th, and it was accepted on July 12th. The journal's review process is surprisingly fast.

风雨无阻+++ 2021-04-26

Although the current impact factor is average, the prospects feel very promising, and many influential figures in the field recommend this journal.

风雨无阻+++ 2021-02-03

After several experts believed that the data mining was not sufficient, the editors suggested submitting the paper with their replies to this journal. After carefully responding to the EST editorial comments, the paper was resubmitted. The editor was good and also sent it to the previous EST reviewers. The review process was fast, with a response received within two weeks, and the replies were satisfactory. With a few minor suggestions, the paper was accepted within a week upon resubmission.

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