认证评论 - Engineering
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lxj晨曦 2021-10-17

Hello! I have been submitting my work for a month now and it is still with the editor. I am very anxious and would like to inquire with you.

447281304 2021-09-21

The flagship magazine of the Academy of Engineering, the magazine is benchmarked against Nature and Science. The overall quality of the articles is quite good, with several articles on COVID-19 having high citations. I feel that the impact factor will reach 10 in the coming years. I wish the domestic magazine continued success.

One small issue is that submissions must be made in Word format and not PDF, which may not be user-friendly for those who use LaTeX.

Overall, my submission process has been relatively smooth, with the following progress:
- Submitted on May 12th
- Minor revision on August 6th
- Accepted on September 20th

icepoloz 2021-08-22

After two weeks in the hands of the editor, last week's submission was rejected due to template.

yixin0317 2021-08-11

Is it okay to use Elsevier's English template?

浮白 2021-07-30

It took 8 days to submit to the journal, which is too slow. They directly rejected it without giving any reasons.

1qaz1qaz1qaz 2021-07-29

Need to be open source, but paid by the Chinese Academy of Engineering's APC (article publishing charge). The publication process is slow, but it can avoid many unnecessary errors. Last year, one article on the treatment of COVID-19 was published in the journal, and it had a remarkably high citation rate. It is expected to become a top-rated comprehensive journal next year.

linko 2021-03-13

Does the published article have to be open source?

1qaz1qaz1qaz 2021-03-06

Magazines have a good background and high positioning. It is the flagship publication of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The authors include academicians, young and outstanding scientists, and leaders. The first review notifies major revisions within 3 months, the second review notifies minor revisions within 2 months, and another reviewer is sought. After the third review, it is directly accepted after 1 month of being under review. The whole process takes 7.5 months. The PDF generated after submission does not contain the main text and requires downloading the Word document. I wish domestic journals to become better and better!

under review 2021-01-20

Is there no problem with the proof's PDF not displaying the main text? It's my first time submitting to this journal, and I noticed that the PDF is different from others. I'm worried about any potential issues.

哇咔咔2 2021-01-13

The submission experience is very poor, and the webpage is extremely slow. The main text of other journals is displayed in the proof's PDF, while this one directly provides a PDF link to download as a Word document. It takes half an hour to download, and I estimate that even as a reviewer, I would be frustrated. Chinese webpages and English webpages are completely different, and the templates provided for Chinese webpages do not meet the requirements of English webpages.

Recently, the quality of non-invited papers has been very high, and many papers from insiders in the field are of low quality.

The biggest beneficiaries of domestic journals are insiders in China. In the past, they would receive a lot of funding for their projects, but publishing papers was difficult. Now, even if the paper is good or not, it can be easily published.

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