认证评论 - Natural Resources Research
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在科研的路上狂奔 2023-08-08

Submission in May, half a month for manuscript response, another half a month for reviewer's comments, and now it has been another half a month, and the editor still hasn't provided the final decision. The speed is unusually slow, too slow.

striderspan 2023-08-04

Submitted in early June, major revisions were made based on the initial review comments in early July. The revised manuscript was sent back in mid-July and accepted three days later. The review and acceptance process was fast, but compared to the fuel journal, which was submitted at the same time, the proofreading for narr was a bit slow.

yang_k 2023-07-01

18 November 2022 - Submission
11 May 2023 - Received

在科研的路上狂奔 2023-05-29

No editor has been assigned to the submission until now, and it has been more than 15 days. What's going on?

向前的虫虫 2023-05-25

Can you provide a template?

minlinlin 2023-04-23

Hello, could you please send a submission template? Thank you. gm1191700724@163.com

abaflu1 2023-04-17

Submit: August 22, 2022;
Major Revision: October 27, 2022 (Three reviewers);
Submit: December 10, 2022 (Delayed by half a month due to the pandemic);
Minor Revision: January 15, 2023 (Accepted with minor revisions from 1 reviewer, 2 small revisions);
Submit: February 15, 2023;
Minor Revision: April 10, 2023 (Accepted by three reviewers, editor requested formatting changes);
Submit: April 11, 2023;
Accepted: April 15, 2023.
The editor is very serious and has strict requirements for details. The process took about 8 months from start to finish, with several reminders. Overall, it was relatively slow, so it is advised to carefully consider submitting if there is an urgent need for graduation.

csu_jie 2023-04-06

Seeking a template, thank you junjie_csu@163.com

csu_jie 2023-04-06

Hello, can you please send me a submission template? Thank you. junjie_csu@163.com

星梦飞扬 2023-03-11

The reviewers are very professional, and the editing process is fast. It is a very good journal.

Editorial decision: The revised version has been accepted.

On March 11, 2023
Editor assigned on March 9, 2023
Submitted on March 8, 2023
Reviewers agreed on January 17, 2023
Reviewers invited and invitations sent on January 17, 2023
Editor assigned on January 17, 2023
Submitted to on January 16, 2023
Reviewers agreed on November 7, 2022
Reviewers invited and invitations sent on November 7, 2022
Editor assigned on November 7, 2022
First submitted on November 2, 2022

建行 2023-02-26

Editor Assigned for 13 days, is it normal?

鸿雁 2023-02-25

I am also in this field, are you this fast?

ziqi77 2022-12-18

It has been 14 days, I want to ask how long it will take for an editor to accept it.

百楼观天下 2022-11-26

It has been a week, and it is still submitted. Does anyone know when it can be processed?

百楼观天下 2022-11-22

I would like to ask the original poster, what is the current status of the manuscript? How long does the first round of review take for this journal?

abaflu1 2022-10-21

I submitted it on August 22nd, and today (October 21st) I received the review comments from three reviewers (major revisions), with one change on October 4th in between.

新宝林 2022-10-10

1. Submitted on September 23, 2022.
2. Under review since October 3, 2022.
I would like to ask, generally how long does the external review process take?

成理小旋风 2022-09-28

It has been a week and it is still being submitted.

成理小旋风 2022-09-28

No, I have to change the password every time, it's annoying.

成理小旋风 2022-09-28

Generally, the requirement is for a TIFF file, it seems like JPEG is explicitly rejected in the author's note.

aril 2022-09-27

Hello, can you login now? How was it resolved?

aril 2022-09-27

Hello, may I ask if the image format for this journal cannot be JPG?

Lg12 2022-09-27

Posted on September 13th, 2022, editor assigned on September 14th, still unassigned until now.

Lynn 2022-09-25

The editor has been assigned for 20 days.

成理小旋风 2022-09-24

Why can't I log in to this journal? It keeps saying password error, and when I try to change the password using the original one, it says it cannot be the same as the original password...

Lynn 2022-09-12

It has been a week since the editor was assigned. Wasn't it said that the initial review would be done within 7 days? I feel deceived.

Lynn 2022-09-08

Submitted on September 5th.
With editor on September 6th.

Moresea 2022-09-06

May submission, September acceptance. The impact factor of NRR is increasing, and the journal's desire to develop is evident in the manuscript review process. However, to truly gain recognition within the industry, especially from scholars outside of mathematical earth sciences, it will take a long time to establish credibility. Personally, I believe there is a need to increase focus on addressing earth science problems.

yyffhh 2022-09-03

The quality of the journal's articles has improved, and direct rejections are made if the content does not match.

小宗 2022-08-29

Can you please share a template? My format has some issues. 18463062606@163.com

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