认证评论 - Earth and Space Science
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毛茸茸的热水袋 2023-05-19

Posted on February 24th, first revision on March 27th, revised second revision on April 13th, minor revision on May 12th, and accepted on May 15th.
This journal, or rather all journals under AGU, are very strict in terms of data usage. They require authors to upload their original data to a hosted platform in the "Open Research Statement" at the end of the article, as well as add all used datasets and software to the formal citation list.
The three reviewers I encountered were all very nice, especially Reviewer 2 who is a pioneer in a similar field and has a paper with 7000 citations. The old man was very calm and genuinely seemed to want to improve my paper. He not only provided suggestions for improvement in professional matters but also gave many suggestions regarding writing etiquette. This will benefit a first-year graduate student like me for a long time. I am looking forward to proofreading and publication soon. I want to print my first colorful scientific paper and hang it by my bedside.
The publication fee is not $1800, but $2100.

科研小喽喽 2022-09-16

This journal editor is very responsible, the submission system is clear, and you can check the status of articles in real time. The reviewers are also responsible! Sometimes the main reason for the slowness is that it is difficult to find reviewers now. Due to being a comprehensive journal, it has a low impact factor like JGR, which puts it at a disadvantage in the domestic ranking system. However, because it is an AGU journal, it has a good reputation and is highly recognized overseas. Many high-quality foreign articles are published in ESS. I hope that the domestic recognition of this journal will gradually increase, and its future development will be very good.

天堂鸟5349 2021-11-04

Finding reviewers is very slow, it takes over a month to find reviewers, but the subsequent processing is fast once the reviewers start reviewing.

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