认证评论 - Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
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Leven_ 2023-07-22

Is the review process really that fast? It has been 13 days for me and it is still "Submitted to Journal". What's going on?

happy清清 2022-08-26

What kind of garbage magazine is this? The editor accepted it very quickly, arranged for review the next day, but the external review took a whole 6 months to complete. After 6 months, they rejected it without any review comments. They should have rejected it earlier. What's the matter with dragging it for so long? It's causing so much delay and trouble.

今天被拒稿了嘛 2022-05-14

Is it fast from submission to under review?

缘起168 2022-03-11

From submission to acceptance in less than 2 months, nice!

longda 2022-02-24

From submission to review to revision to acceptance, it takes less than 4 months, which is still acceptable. The average review time is 6 weeks.

Michael Arthur 2022-02-10

Naisi, the review speed is alright. The review process takes about two months each time, and the results are evaluated by 2-4 reviewers. The feedback from the reviewers is very helpful. It has already been accepted, yay! ✌?

qevhytpl 2021-10-30

No review comments, it is advised not to submit to this journal!

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