认证评论 - npj Computational Materials
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raolixiang 2023-07-19

After waiting for two months, I received an email notification that the manuscript was being sent for review. However, the status remained unchanged after the review, still stating "manuscript under consideration." It seems that there are possibly too many submissions for this magazine, resulting in a particularly slow processing of manuscripts.

Exciter 2023-07-07

May I ask if "under consideration" means it has been submitted for review or not yet? What does the status display after it has been submitted for review?

raolixiang 2023-07-04

The submission has been 56 days already, and the current status is still "Manuscript Under Consideration". I am anxiously waiting.

Mrwenwen 2023-05-09

Disgusting rejection, I really can't believe it, garbage.

superman123 2023-04-15

May I ask if this journal requires a page charge?

Dr.H 2023-02-28

Indeed, submitting a contribution should be done carefully.

Dr.H 2023-02-28

It takes one month for the submission to be edited, but it is directly rejected without review. The replies are all generic responses unrelated to the content of the article. Submission should be done cautiously.

Mamba1234 2022-11-14

May I ask what the status has become?

Mamba1234 2022-11-14

Can I ask if npj Computational Materials displays the status or sends an email to the corresponding author for review? Currently, it has been one month since submission and it is still under consideration.

asdf1 2022-05-24

Why is the default communication the first author and cannot be changed? Will there be any impact?

小杉子 2022-05-21

I would like to ask you, is the 1st author of the npj computational materials correspondent the first author?

壮壮~ 2022-02-28

In the hands of the editor for one month
Reviewed for one month
Minor revisions: replied for one month
In total, it took three and a half months. The journal has a good quality (considered as a Nature sub-journal, with high requirements and a significant amount of calculations, also requiring innovation. If not in a hurry, you can give it a try).

壮壮~ 2022-01-04

Changed status, waited for a month at that time.

市民7 2021-12-31

Excuse me, has your status changed now?

lxj晨曦 2021-07-18

This journal is extremely excessive. It took one month to submit the manuscript to the editor, and then it was delayed for another month. Several of my professors thought it had been sent for review, but in fact, the editor hadn't dealt with it all along. After reading it, they just rejected it. The efficiency of handling manuscripts is really low. As a domestic journal, I think the efficiency can be improved. What if the author is in a hurry to publish an article? Is it meaningful to delay it for a month at the editor's end? Why was it downgraded to Zone 2?

ypan 2021-04-03

A very good journal, the reviewers raised very professional questions, with almost 20 questions raised by three reviewers. Many original works, it is not easy to be accepted and published.

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