认证评论 - Advances in Mechanical Engineering
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

houxiaoka 2022-02-02

Hired around April 20th of the 21st year, published in May, and the search is also fast.

至尊宝zz 2021-08-30

Submission date: March 12, 2021; Acceptance: July 19, 2021; Publication date: August 1, 2021.

毛毛虫虫子 2021-04-22

I don't know if it's because of the impact of the epidemic, but the first trial seems to have taken more than five months. It underwent major revisions and the review comments were also responded to well. After the changes were made, I don't know why there was a change to another reviewer. The second trial also took a long time, with one suggestion for modification after another, and one was strongly rejected. I feel that all the effort was meaningless... So it got rejected, quite speechless.

houxiaoka 2021-04-18

Waiting after submitting the revised draft on April 9th.

wwjjsdx 2021-03-02

submitted on 10-Dec-2020
Minor Revision (04-Feb-2021)
Accept (26-Feb-2021)


submitted on 10-Dec-2020
Minor Revision (04-Feb-2021)
Accept (26-Feb-2021)

Carl1993 2021-02-08

Submitted on 2020-11-05

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