认证评论 - Endocrine Connections
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

亭下无人 2022-07-15

Do you have a LaTeX template, or should I submit the manuscript using Word?

要努力吖 2021-03-19

Maybe it's because of good luck, the experimental article was submitted for minor revisions after a month, revised within a week, and then accepted. It was online after 20 days. The whole process took 2 months, which is very fast for a journal. The editor is also very nice, and there were hardly any issues after positive responses to questions. The main consideration is whether this journal is interested in your field or not. They do not accept case reports, so there's no need to try if that's what you have.

美亚 2021-03-01

Hello, may I ask how long is the editorial review period? I submitted a PS and it has been "Not Assigned" all along, is it the same for you?

美亚 2021-03-01

Did you win the lottery? Did you receive any comments on the revised manuscript?

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