认证评论 - ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
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冰之随想 2023-07-31

July 14th, transferred over, and until now, there has been no change.

mulvnanche 2023-07-10

Hello, are you starting to charge for layout fees now?

ChauncL 2023-06-28

220504-tentatively accepted;
Overall, it was not very fast. I waited for three months for one round... However, the result is good. I wish everyone a smooth submission!

稻草人)5 2023-06-16

May I ask how long it will take in the editor's hands? It has been over a week here and the status hasn't changed at all.

chen1 2023-05-25

It will change. On the submission interface, there is an "Instruction & Forms" button in the top right corner. Click on it, and a new page called ACS Publishing Center will appear. On the top, it will display "associate editor assigned," and then it will show the status as "In peer review."

SHIGUN 2023-04-09

This is unchanged, it has been under review for a long time.

怪力少年 2023-04-07

I want to ask, after submitting, it has been assigned to an editor, but it always shows "Under Review" in capital letters. What does it mean? Has it been reviewed yet? I beg the experts to share their experiences...

相信未来 2023-04-06

11-Jan-2023 submit, 31-Jan-2023 editor assigned, and then it's a long period of under review. I have sent a reminder once, and the reply was "we are currently awaiting the final review and will be able to get back to you shortly." However, another half month has passed, and it is still under review... so frustrating...

ChauncL 2023-03-30

I have sent two reminders to the editor, but there has been no response.

ChauncL 2023-03-30

Posted on December 30, 22, and still no result from the first review. It feels very slow.

SHIGUN 2023-02-26

Yes, in your submission interface, there is a reply message. The mentor will receive an email notification.

SHIGUN 2023-02-26

Normal, if there are no changes, it means the manuscript has been reviewed. This journal is very fast. Just wait. Generally, the revised information is released in the morning.

SHIGUN 2023-02-26

This remains unchanged, indicating that it has been reviewed. After waiting for 25 days, there will automatically be comments from the reviewers. Just wait patiently. It will be soon.

mingmingjiu-09 2023-02-26

Hello, may I ask if it is normal for the submission to be "under review" for 9 days without any response?

mingmingjiu-09 2023-02-26

Hello, may I ask if "under review" means that the submission has been sent for review, as it has been displayed for 9 days and the editorial department has not provided any response?

蓝岚楠 2022-12-14

The submission to receiving the first review comments took a full two months, and then we were given one month for major revisions. The revised manuscript was submitted on 11/26, and it has been 18 days now without any results. It doesn't feel like the ACS journal's review process is as fast as everyone claims it to be.

SHIGUN 2022-08-04

After submission, why is it still under review and the time has not changed? Is this normal? Or does the time change only when it is being reviewed? Can someone tell me?

SHIGUN 2022-08-03

I would like to know, what is the time variation for this magazine? Does the review time change?

SHIGUN 2022-08-02

How is your article coming along?

rukatyan 2022-06-22

3.1 Submission, received review comments after about a month. Three reviewers raised approximately 20 questions, mostly regarding formatting issues. The editor requested a month to revise the manuscript. After adding seven or eight small experiments, the revised manuscript was sent back for review in early May. It was formally accepted on May 18th and published online on June 1st, which coincided with my graduation. I feel the process was quite fast!

zealous丿 2022-03-31

Is it normal for this submission to stay under review for one month?

zealous丿 2022-03-02

May I ask, after this submission is complete, will it remain in the "under view" status indefinitely?

Mlxg 2022-01-01

After the submission, it was quickly divided into editors. Less than two months later, the first review comments were received from four reviewers. The manuscript was rejected, but the editor was very nice and provided an opportunity for resubmission. After about half a month, it was returned. Another half a month later, the second review comments were received. All reviewers agreed to accept it, and the editor accepted it directly. Thanks to the editor and reviewers for their help and suggestions!

mulvnanche 2021-11-24

May I ask, after submitting the manuscript, does the status immediately change to "Under Review"?

zzzzzzzle 2021-10-28

May I ask if this journal charges a page fee?

Jay_ME 2021-10-27

Posted on September 7, 2021
Major revision on October 1, 2021
Returned on October 21, 2021
Accepted on October 26, 2021
Overall, the speed is very fast and worth investing.

Naya33 2021-08-26

To publish a paper in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, there are no charges. Only if you wish to purchase open access, you will be charged. You will have the option to choose whether to purchase open access or not. If you don't select open access at that time, you will not be charged.

Naya33 2021-08-25

May I ask if the journal submission requires fees for page layout, color figures, and open access?

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