注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Huqiao 2022-10-04

It has been 2 and a half months since submission, what is the issue with "Ready to be assigned to an editor"?

aiming123 2022-08-11

A very good journal, I wonder if the impact factor can continue to increase.

Jeralyn 2022-05-08

There was a status change in between.

Note: The original text provided does not have a clear context or complete sentence structure. The translation is based on the given text as it is.

winnerche 2021-12-03

Initial Date Submitted: 25 Nov 2021
Editor Assignment Pending: 01 Dec 2021

爱因斯港 2021-09-28

I won an ARO in the 17th year, and submitted a manuscript in the 15th year. Surprisingly, it was marked as editor assignment pending within six months (what is going on?). After waiting for another year, I couldn't wait any longer and sent a reminder. They replied with a few minor questions, and after responding, it was accepted immediately. It took a year and a half in total, and if you don't send reminder emails, they will just leave you hanging without a response.

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