认证评论 - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
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无所谓哈哈 2023-08-03

I submitted it in March, and it has been under review since June until now. Now it seems that this journal may not be indexed by SCI anymore. Friends, should I withdraw the submission and cut my losses in time?

XWZRBY 2023-07-19

It cannot be searched, as it is not yet included in SCIE. It can only be searched in EI.

jinml 2023-07-16

Excuse me, is this journal still in the kicked status? I received it on May 22, 2023. Will it still be indexed by SCIE?

jinml 2023-07-16

What happened to this journal? When was the journal kicked out? Will the online article on May 22, 2023 not be indexed by SCIE?

无所谓哈哈 2023-06-05

What is the situation now for the submission made in March? Is it still with the editor?

jinml 2023-05-03

I have changed the authorship information during the modification process. Where can I find a template for the Authorship Change Form?

Laban 2023-04-17

Already been kicked. Take a close look at his publication's homepage introduction.

Xchen32 2023-03-31

Can the papers of this journal still be retrieved on WOS?

无所谓哈哈 2023-03-29

Is this journal currently indexed in SCI?

wdd_ldd 2023-03-10

What is the status of the journal now? It seems like it is not SCI yet.

奇迹一周 2023-03-06

Excuse me, at which time period was this journal rejected? I was accepted on January 3rd, 2023. Is this time within the rejection period?

h_muzi 2023-02-21

Has there been any reply? I asked an editor in September last year, and they only said to wait for further updates. They didn't know if it could be retrieved or not. Ah, it's so pitiful.

我要发SCIE 2023-02-08

Update status, received on February 4th, 2023, lasting two years and one month. Perfectly missed the kicking time, currently in Zone 3.

包邮同学 2023-01-20

It seems that it still cannot be found in the Master Journal List.

fuzzysets 2023-01-16

It seems that this journal has been reindexed by SCI.

mengzheng123 2023-01-09

An article has been accepted, but it was accepted during the period when it was removed from SCI. Currently, it has not been indexed in WoS. Does this mean it's hopeless? Also, there's another question. This journal has indexed over 200 articles in WoS in 2022. Does that mean its impact factor will increase next year? In that case, can we consider it being intentionally removed by the journal to reduce the number of publications?

我要发SCIE 2023-01-07

This journal is back again, in the third zone. Web of Science (WoS) has already indexed the journals for December 2022.

小敏 2022-12-05

Can choosing to decline to revise have an impact on the later submission?

frances 2022-10-17

SCI can no longer be searched, only EI can retrieve it. I submitted it in January 2021 and was only accepted in September this year. I can only accept it as it is.

海洋 2022-10-16

I would like to ask, how can I find out if this journal is no longer indexed by SCI? I noticed that the latest search result in WOS is for articles from March 2022.

Laban 2022-10-14

I found seven reviewers for me, and six of them gave feedback. Five of them suggested major revisions, and one was not very friendly. I am very lucky to have been rejected because if it had been accepted, it would have wasted a whole paper. This paper is no longer indexed by SCI.

Googleyyy 2022-09-26

This is the most careful and tumultuous article I have ever revised. I have revised it a total of 4 times, and now it seems that the highest position is involved.

I would like to ask everyone, with the December update of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' division, does it mean that it is still possible to obtain a retrieval certificate now? Or is it already unavailable for retrieval?

h_muzi 2022-09-21

Can the ones hired during the retrieval period be retrieved again? Suddenly being kicked out, it's like nothing, unable to achieve anything with EI anymore.

frances 2022-09-20

May I ask if you have submitted the edited version? I was also recently hired and I don't know what to do.

SIMU0712 2022-09-09

I am also about to be hired soon. Dealing with this matter, I want to go ask the editor.

XWZRBY 2022-09-05

Is this journal no longer SCI this year? Should I still submit for revision and publication?

yunxi 2022-08-21

You can check in the EI database, and also this year's EI list has been updated once.

lijingwen619 2022-08-21

Where can I see or access the EI journals?

yunxi 2022-08-17

Generally, it takes at least two years to recover. This journal is still indexed in EI.

Stevens 2022-08-16

The current impact factor is for the year 2021. This journal has been removed from the Master Journal List, which is a catalog of SCI indexed journals. Once a journal is removed, its papers usually cannot be included anymore. This journal has not just been suppressed but directly kicked out.

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