Annals of Data Science

2198-5804 / 2198-5812
Annals of Data Science (ADS) publishes cutting-edge research findings, experimental results and case studies of data science. Although Data Science is regarded as an interdisciplinary field of using mathematics, statistics, databases, data mining, high-performance computing, knowledge management and virtualization to discover knowledge from Big Data, it should have its own scientific contents, such as axioms, laws and rules, which are fundamentally important for experts in different fields to explore their own interests from Big Data. ADS encourages contributors to address such challenging problems at this exchange platform. At present, how to discover knowledge from heterogeneous data under Big Data environment needs to be addressed.     ADS is a series of volumes edited by either the editorial office or guest editors. Guest editors will be responsible for call-for-papers and the review process for high-quality contributions in their volumes.


4.70 查看趋势图
CiteScore 学科排名
类别 分区 排名
Decision Sciences - Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty Q1 #21/160
Decision Sciences - Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) Q1 #29/160
Decision Sciences - Computer Science Applications Q2 #276/792
Decision Sciences - Artificial Intelligence Q2 #134/301
Web of Science 核心合集
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
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Springer Nature
6 issues per year
Open Access

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