Organic Agriculture

1879-4238 / 1879-4246
Organic Agriculture provides a platform for the sharing of knowledge on all aspects of Organic Agriculture and Food Systems. The journal features scientific articles on a range of topics, including, but not exclusively:<br />

- Soil<br />
- Plant production<br />
- Animal husbandry<br />
- Farming system research and development<br />
- Resource management<br />
- Agro-ecology<br />
- Value chains<br />
- Processing<br />
- Product qualities<br />
- Socio-economics<br />
- Consumer research and marketing<br />
- Ethics<br />
- Novel research methodologies<br />
- Innovations in Organic Agriculture<br />

Drawing on value chain and systems approaches within Organic Agriculture; the journal welcomes original inter-, intra- and trans-disciplinary papers alongside the reports of focused disciplinary studies that accord with the principles of Organic Agriculture. We also welcome papers which take a critical approach to one or more aspects of organic agriculture and/or initiate critical discussions of the principles on a scientific basis.<br />

Papers with farming system comparisons are welcome. The journal does also cover scientific reviews, science-based concept notes, and invited papers on specific topics.


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CiteScore 学科排名
类别 分区 排名
Agricultural and Biological Sciences - General Agricultural and Biological Sciences Q1 #48/213
Web of Science 核心合集
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
- -
Springer Nature
4 issues per year
Open Access

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