

Workation, work from home, hybrid work

Workation, work from home, hybrid work

The concept of a ‘workation’ has grown in popularity since work-from-home became the norm. We’ve been taught to keep work and play apart. Yet more of us are still taking workcations, years into the pandemic – and reaping the benefits. The trend could be here to stay.

创建者 Goran Shibakovs... · 1年前

70 · 11
Remote work - current & future trends in education and research

Remote work - current & future trends in education and research

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a shift towards remote working. This could affect not just people’s working lives, but the shape of cities, gender equality, and many other aspects of society. It’s likely working from home is here to stay—for some workers, at least. Share your opinion and ideas...

创建者 Goran Shibakovs... · 2年前

143 · 22