OREF/Goldberg Arthritis Research Grant

OREF/Goldberg Arthritis Research Grant
Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF)
United States
Applicant is an orthopaedic surgeon principal investigator (PI) who is licensed to practice in and working in an institution in the United States. A PhD may serve as the PI but must hold a faculty appointment in an orthopaedic department at an institution in the United States. The PI must be a new investigator as classified by NIH. An orthopaedic resident cannot apply without documentation that he/she will be starting a staff/faulty appointment at the time the grant commences (a letter from the chair of the new department must be included).
The objective of the OREF/Goldberg Arthritis Research Grant is to encourage new investigators by providing seed and start-up funding for promising research projects that address issues related to the treatment of arthritis with an emphasis on arthroplasty. Clinical relevance must be clearly noted in the abstract and specific aims, and be obvious from the title and the study design. Both basic science and clinical projects are eligible, with clinical relevance explicitly and clearly described.


OERF Grant Policies and FAQs 打开链接
OERF Grant Forms 打开链接
Purdue Grant Writing Lab: Introduction to Grant Writing 打开链接
University of Wisconsin Writing Center: Planning and Writing a Grant Proposal 打开链接





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