Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


评论了 Cryptocurrency
The European Union has agreed on new rules that will subject cryptocurrency transfers to the same money-laundering rules as traditional bank transfers. Transfers of crypto-assets will be traced and identified to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other crimes. The legislation is part of the new EU anti-money laundering package and will be aligned with the Markets in Crypto-assets rules (MiCA). https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220627IPR33919/crypto-assets-deal-on-new-rules-to-stop-illicit-flows-in-the-eu What is the future of crypto assets?


评论了 The future of banking
Apple partnership with Goldman Sachs - the two most iconic names in tech and finance are joining together to create what might become America’s mightiest fintech. While the average bank is paying less than a half a percent on savings accounts, Apple announced this year it would be offering 4.15% annual returns to savers – no minimums, no lockups and FDIC-insured. This comes at a time when regional banks are scrambling in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank crisis to maintain their deposit bases, and cash-starved fintech startups are likewise struggling. Any comment?


评论了 Women and Girls in Science
The ZEISS Women Award recognizes promising female graduates and students in Digital & IT and serves as a platform for encouraging more women to pursue a career in this field. Female graduates who have already earned their Bachelor's, Master's or PhD degree or their diploma in winter semester 2022/23 or are about to graduate at the time of applying, are just starting their thesis, are editing it or are waiting for their final result, can still apply by 23 July 2023 at https://www.zeiss.com/corporate/int/careers/digital-it-at-zeiss/zeiss-women-award.html


评论了 Telegram as a teaching tool in distance education
Telegram is very light on connectivity, even compared to other messaging apps like WhatsApp; it performs like-for-like tasks favorably, so it can deliver powerful learning even to basic mobile phones in areas where connectivity is limited or intermittent.


评论了 Green Technologies and Sustainability
According to recent figures, Europe is warming faster than the global average, with annual temperatures increasing between 1.7 and 1.9 degrees Celsius in urban areas. Barcelona is no exception, with 2020 seeing the city's warmest year for over two centuries - registering an average temperature of 16.8 degrees Celsius. In response to this problem, a group of climate change researchers are pioneering a project to paint the city's rooftops white - claiming it could reduce temperatures by up to 4.7 degrees during heatwaves. https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/07/08/painting-barcelona-s-rooftops-could-lower-temperatures-by-up-to-five-degrees-say-experts Any comment?


评论了 Human Networks and Data Science
What are some examples of successful projects funded by this program?


评论了 Robotics
Federal regulators are investigating ChatGPT. Plus, more school districts are considering using robots to patrol campuses. Santa Fe among school districts experimenting with robot surveillance on campus. A school in New Mexico in the United States, has started a pilot program in which a robot patrols the campus 24 hours a day and seven days a week. https://www.wsj.com/articles/this-schools-new-security-aide-has-360-degree-vision-its-a-robot-a4f983b5?mod=djemalertNEWS Any opinion? What about the data that is being collected?


评论了 Robotics
The Carnegie Mellon TartanPest Team developed an autonomous robot to control the spread of Spotted Lanternflies by navigating farms to find and remove their eggs. Spotted Lanternflies are an invasive species native to Asia first identified in the U.S. in 2014, in Berks County, Pennsylvania. https://youtu.be/GInj_jW4Ae8 Any opinion?


评论了 Postdoctoral Fellowship
Scholarships for international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists for a scholarship stay in Slovakia https://www.scholarships.sk/en/main/programme-terms-and-conditions/foreign-applicants


评论了 Regulation of AI
Psychologist and behavioural scientist Gerd Gigerenzer believes that algorithms are changing our behaviour and our world in ways that we don't fully understand. In his latest book, "How to Stay Smart in a Smart World," he examines how algorithms shape our future and why it is crucial to remember that they are not human. Gigerenzer argued that digital technology can easily tilt the scales toward autocratic systems, making it important for people to pay attention and take control of their decisions. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ais-influence-decision-making-behavioural-scientist-gerd-gigerenzer/ What is your opinion?


评论了 Medical Advancements
A new AI tool that could help doctors assess the early signs of dementia and Alzheimer's more quickly and efficiently, has been developed by researchers at the University of Sheffield. The system, known as CognoSpeak, uses a virtual agent displayed on a screen to engage a patient in a conversation. It asks memory-probing questions inspired by those used in outpatient consultations and conducts cognitive tests, such as picture descriptions and verbal fluency tests. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230628/CognoSpeak-AI-tool-uses-speech-technology-to-quickly-assess-dementia-risk.aspx The value of AI tools in healthcare is expected to see growth and further development.


评论了 Financial literacy and young people
What do you think about the book Rich Dad Poor Dad (1997) by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter? Is it a good read for young people and their financial literacy?


评论了 Public Policy and Governance
It is not specified the amount of the grant. Does it depend on the location of the host institution?


评论了 Science Breakthroughs
Scientists invent self-healing robot skin that mimics the real thing. The material can self-heal in just 24 hours when warmed to 158°F or in about a week at room temperature. https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/scientists-invent-self-healing-robot-skin-that-mimics-the-real-thing Stanford professor Zhenan Bao and his team have invented a multi-layer self-healing synthetic electronic skin that can now self-recognize and align with each other when injured, allowing the skin to continue functioning while healing. The new skin mimics the real thing allowing robots to feel like humans.


评论了 Socio-affective scenarios using learning analytics
Intriguing poster. Also, I am curious to know how the socio-affective scenarios differ across subjects and courses.