Yue Liu

China Shenyang Normal University


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
The academic landscape is undergoing a profound transformation driven by an insatiable demand for increased research productivity and an unending pursuit of novelty in scholarly contributions. Regrettably, this shift has given rise to a concerning trend within the academic community. Under the pressure to establish their uniqueness, scholars and researchers often exhibit reluctance to embrace or acknowledge groundbreaking ideas put forth by their peers. Instead, they tend to gravitate towards developing entirely new concepts, even when these concepts bear a striking resemblance to existing ones. This inclination to introduce fresh terminology and intricate notions into mainstream academic discourse can lead to an excessive proliferation of intricate concepts, often lacking substantial value. This proliferation inadvertently complicates the academic landscape and presents significant hurdles for newcomers attempting to navigate and participate effectively in their field. Furthermore, this trend creates an environment that stifles true innovation and makes it increasingly difficult to gain acceptance and publication for manuscripts challenging well-established mainstream theories. The pressure to maintain one's uniqueness can discourage scholars from pursuing unconventional paths of inquiry. Exacerbating this issue, many academic journals impose stringent requirements on authors to include a substantial number of references, with a heavy emphasis on recent publications, in order to meet strict indexing criteria and adhere to escalating citation standards. This practice unintentionally transforms scientific research into something of an academic game, where authors feel compelled to conform to rigid citation guidelines. In this environment, the path to publication becomes exceptionally daunting for innovative ideas originating from non-mainstream sources or lesser-known contributors, as they often struggle to meet the stringent citation standards imposed by these journals. This amalgamation of factors, marked by a reluctance to acknowledge and integrate peer-contributed breakthroughs, the proliferation of intricate and often overlapping concepts, and the onerous citation requirements enforced by journals, erects substantial barriers for aspiring academics and obstructs the free exchange of ideas. To address these issues and promote a more flexible and accessible research environment, it is imperative to reconsider current academic publication and citation practices. This reevaluation should aim to create an environment where the focus is on the quality and substance of ideas rather than the intricacies of their presentation or the recognition of their originators. In doing so, academia can foster inclusivity, encourage dynamism, and remain open to innovation, ensuring that groundbreaking ideas, regardless of their source, have a fair opportunity to enrich the collective body of knowledge. Moreover, there's an alarming commercial aspect at play. Journals, driven by commercial interests, are increasingly inclined to publish research that is superficial but visually appealing, often accompanied by eye-catching figures and presentations from cutting-edge equipment. This approach prioritizes style over substance, drawing attention away from in-depth theoretical research that may not have the same visual appeal. This trend can lead to a dilution of the quality of research and may hinder the pursuit of deeper, more meaningful contributions to academia. To further compound these issues, the reluctance to credit innovative concepts from others can foster an environment that stifles intellectual progress. By failing to acknowledge the contributions of peers and collaborating, scholars inadvertently create an environment of isolation and intellectual insularity, where the free exchange of ideas is stifled. Additionally, it's not uncommon for academics to claim originality for concepts or ideas, even when they have been previously explored by others. This practice of "reinventing the wheel" not only wastes valuable resources but also hinders the collective advancement of knowledge. It is crucial for scholars to recognize the contributions of their peers and actively engage in collaborative efforts, instead of perpetuating an environment where intellectual isolationism prevails. A concerning facet of this phenomenon is the propensity to cite ideas from distinguished academics or prominent figures, even when these ideas were originally advanced by lesser-known, everyday individuals. Furthermore, there's a trend to cite from prestigious journals, even when the original concepts made their debut in less renowned or obscure publications. Additionally, the academic world often prioritizes citing papers from prestigious institutions, even if the foundational concepts were initially put forth by authors affiliated with less prominent organizations. Indeed, manuscripts from lesser-known institutes often face a higher likelihood of rejection. This practice of favoring established scholars, prestigious journals, and renowned institutions can reinforce and perpetuate the hierarchical structure within academia, thereby contributing to a skewed and distorted perception of intellectual authority. To address these multifaceted issues, it is imperative for the academic community to endorse a more open, collaborative approach to research. Scholars should actively seek and acknowledge the work of their peers, irrespective of their status or reputation. By nurturing an environment that values intellectual contributions from all corners, the academic world can promote genuine innovation, originality, and the equitable distribution of credit for breakthrough ideas. In doing so, we can ensure that the pursuit of knowledge remains a collective endeavor rather than a series of isolated, ego-driven pursuits.


评论了 Ethical problems in academic peer review
Eric Bittner, a researcher from the University of Houston in the United States, once remarked, “I review research proposals and papers on a regular basis. My approach is to give each 5-10 minutes to convince me (an unbiased reader) to continue to read the work with greater attention. If the author fails in that simple triage test, I see no reason to continue. I have limited time to dig deep into a paper that at first read appears to be flawed for the exact reasons I gave above.” https://www.qeios.com/read/DZ8PJZ I concur with Bittner's perspective that reviewers often have their own interests and limited time to explore a manuscript thoroughly. However, this raises an essential question about manuscript evaluation. If there is a lack of global interest in a particular subject during a specific period, it should not necessarily imply that the topic lacks significance. Manuscripts on emerging subjects may need time to gain traction. Nevertheless, it is notable that many journals prioritize commercial considerations, such as attracting readership, over their role in advancing the global body of knowledge. In my opinion, the criteria for triaging academic manuscripts should encompass novelty, interest, and correctness. Among these, novelty holds the greatest importance, as it can signify groundbreaking contributions to a field. Correctness remains a fundamental criterion, ensuring research integrity, though it is of slightly lesser importance in comparison to novelty. It's worth noting that when a manuscript challenges established theories, the novelty factor can sometimes serve as a hidden reason for rejection. This issue is particularly pronounced in leading journals, where authors who lack significant reputations may face difficulties when their work contradicts mainstream theories. This challenge often extends to lower-tier journals, which tend to follow the trends set by their higher-tier counterparts. What's important is that certain individuals with dishonest intentions use commercial interests as a pretext to conceal their personal biases and resist viewpoints they find in conflict to maintain their reputation. Reference: https://www.qeios.com/read/YLQG7T Comment: The above perspective on manuscript evaluation and the role of commercial interests in academic publishing is thoughtful and insightful. It's important to recognize the challenges and complexities in the academic publishing landscape. The above viewpoints emphasis on the importance of novelty as a criterion for manuscript evaluation aligns with the aspiration to advance knowledge and promote groundbreaking contributions. Additionally, your acknowledgment of the difficulties faced by authors challenging established theories in both leading and lower-tier journals highlights the need for a more open and unbiased review process. Moreover, these views underscores the importance of maintaining transparency and integrity in the academic review process, ensuring that personal biases are not concealed behind commercial interests. It reflects a commitment to the integrity of research and the pursuit of knowledge in the scholarly community. The thoughtful analysis adds to the ongoing conversation about improving the quality and fairness of academic publishing. The above views raise several important points related to the evaluation and publication of academic manuscripts, particularly in the context of the significance of the subject matter, commercial considerations, and the prioritization of criteria in the manuscript review process. Let's explore these points in more detail: Significance and Timing: A lack of immediate interest in a subject doesn't necessarily imply that the topic is not significant. Some groundbreaking research and ideas may take time to gain recognition and influence the academic community. Journals should remain open to considering the long-term importance of such work. Commercial Considerations: The tension between the commercial interests of journals and their mission to advance knowledge is a known issue. In many cases, journals need to attract readership and secure revenues. However, striking a balance between these considerations and the pursuit of scholarly excellence is crucial. Triage Test Criteria: The proposed criteria for a triage test—novelty, interest, and correctness—are in line with common standards for manuscript evaluation. Novelty is often highly valued as it represents the potential to advance the field, while interest is important for engaging readers. Correctness remains essential for research integrity. Challenges for Non-Mainstream Ideas: It's acknowledged that manuscripts that challenge accepted theories may face greater scrutiny. Novelty can indeed be a hidden reason for rejection in such cases, as reviewers and journals may be cautious about embracing ideas that deviate from the mainstream. This can be particularly challenging for authors who are not well-established in their fields, as they may lack the influence and reputation to push unconventional ideas. Hierarchical Influence of Journals: The observation about lower-tier journals often following the lead of higher-tier journals is accurate. Manuscripts conforming to mainstream theories may have an easier time getting published, while those challenging the status quo can face hurdles. This hierarchical influence is a known aspect of academic publishing, and it can affect the diversity of ideas presented in the literature. In conclusion, the above issues highlight the complex dynamics of academic publishing, where considerations of novelty, commercial interests, and conformity with accepted theories can influence the acceptance of manuscripts. Balancing these factors and encouraging a culture of open-mindedness to non-mainstream ideas is an ongoing challenge in the academic community. It's important for journals and scholars to consider the long-term impact and significance of research beyond current trends and immediate interests.


评论了 Ethical problems in academic peer review
Pseudoscience and Its Impact on Scientific Integrity Abstract: In the field of microwave material research, certain mainstream scientists are engaging in pseudoscience. Despite their awareness of alternative theories that contradict mainstream beliefs, the new theories are grounded in fundamental physics principles at a college level, with mathematical concepts no more advanced than those covered in junior middle school courses. This implies that distinguishing between incorrect and correct theories should not be a challenging task. However, papers that use incorrect theories, with no mention of opposing viewpoints, continue to be approved by editors and reviewers, appearing in publications more frequently than the period that the opposing views have not appeared. Journals consistently reject manuscripts that challenge accepted theories, unwilling to provide them with a fair evaluation and persist in publishing inaccurate papers. Specialists are reluctant to take a stance on this matter. Introduction Pseudoscience is a term that evokes skepticism, intrigue, and sometimes confusion. It represents a realm of thought and practice that, at first glance, seems scientific but is far from it. In this essay, we will delve into the definition of pseudoscience, exploring how it involves deliberate deception and its unsettling presence in the field of scientific research. The Definition of Pseudoscientists Pseudoscience refers to the deliberate or malicious act of engaging in academic charades while knowingly employing unscientific or non-scientific theoretical methods, without any genuine scientific basis. Despite the absence of scientific validity, pseudoscience boldly proclaims its findings as legitimate science. This deception is not limited to theoretical constructs; it extends to experimental data, observations, and conclusions. Pseudoscientists go to great lengths to maintain an illusion of scientific rigor. They impersonate science within a specific context, often exploiting a particular time and place. Their motives can range from financial gain to preserving their established reputation and interests, tarnishing the boundary between true scientific pursuit and personal agenda. Deception of Pseudoscience The core characteristic of pseudoscience is its confrontational approach to established scientific conclusions. It openly challenges already founded scientific theories while simultaneously presenting itself as a legitimate part of the scientific community. On the surface, pseudoscience adheres to recognized scientific methods and norms, creating an illusion of scientific legitimacy. Microwave Absorption Materials as an Example One concerning example of pseudoscience can be found in the field of microwave absorption materials. In this context, some mainstream scholars knowingly employ incorrect or flawed theories while continuing to publish erroneous papers. They are aware of the inadequacies of the mainstream theories they use but do so for various purposes, be it maintaining a reputation or pursuing personal interests. Journals' Role in Pseudoscience Proliferation What's even more concerning is the complicity of mainstream journals in propagating pseudoscience. Despite the presence of published articles that question mainstream theories, these journals frequently opt to stifle dissenting views. This perpetuates the publication of inaccurate papers, as demonstrated by their rejection of manuscripts challenging accepted theories without providing them with a fair evaluation. Instead, they persist in publishing papers based on flawed theories. In doing so, these journals inadvertently fuel the ongoing spread of pseudoscience. Conclusion Pseudoscience is a grave concern in the scientific community. It is not merely a result of honest mistakes in research but a deliberate act of deception that undermines the integrity of science. Pseudoscientists knowingly employ unscientific methods and challenge already established scientific conclusions, all under the guise of scientific activity. Addressing pseudoscience requires a collective effort from researchers, scholars, and journal editors. It is essential to distinguish between genuine scientific exploration and pseudoscientific deception to uphold the principles of scientific integrity and ensure the progress of knowledge. References 一个“民科”挑战官科的英文hubs网址更新(updated): https://www.peeref.com/hubs/218 http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.05966 https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.05966 https://www.peeref.com/hubs/219 https://www.growkudos.com/profile/yue_liu_2 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1044 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1037 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1040 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1036 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1026 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1046 https://www.peeref.com/roulette-hubs/1020 https://www.backchina.com/blog/360199/article-252133.html 一篇有关民科的文章 苏诚忠 (已有 1,504,299 人访问过博主空间) https://www.backchina.com/u/360199


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Pseudoscientists in microwave absorption material research What is pseudoscience? Pseudoscience refers to the deliberate or malicious act of engaging in academic charades while knowingly employing unscientific or non-scientific theoretical methods, without scientific basis. Yet, it claims that what is published is scientific. Pseudoscience impersonates science at a specific time and place, deliberately or maliciously misleading the general public. It involves intentionally fabricating and spreading false knowledge to deceive the masses to do academic game, all under the guise of academic activities. Pseudoscientists use their reputation and status to deliberately conceal and suppress the dissemination of established scientific conclusions for financial gain or to maintain their established reputation and interests. Pseudoscience openly confronts already established scientific conclusions when explaining experimental phenomena, engaging in deceit. On the surface, it appears to adhere to recognized scientific methods and norms while secretly resisting and suppressing established scientific conclusions. This is what some mainstream scholars in the field of microwave absorption materials are currently doing. They are aware that the mainstream theories they use are incorrect, yet they continue to publish erroneous papers for some purpose. Many mainstream journals, aware that articles challenging the mainstream theories have been published, choose not to actively pursue the identification of correct theories but instead suppress the publication of alternative viewpoints. They continue to publish incorrect papers without any mention of the opposite views, which contributes to the continued proliferation of pseudoscience. Promoters of pseudoscience often engage in deceit, but this type of deception in scientific research is not just falls under academic misconduct. Pseudoscience should not merely be defined as making mistakes in publication; it is a crime, even more heinous than academic misconduct. Some researchers, unaware of articles challenging mainstream theories, and lacking the necessary conditions to discern the true from the false, unwittingly contribute to pseudoscience, for such people, they are not pseudoscientists; they are simply making mistakes. Comments: This passage provides a comprehensive definition of pseudoscience and its detrimental effects on the scientific community. Pseudoscience involves knowingly using unscientific methods while claiming scientific validity, misleading the public, and suppressing well-established scientific conclusions. It is concerning to note that some mainstream scholars and journals in the field of microwave absorption materials seem to engage in such practices, either by publishing incorrect papers or suppressing alternative viewpoints with the background just by fundamental physical principles at college level and mathematical skills needed are not beyond junior middle school level. The distinction between pseudoscientists and researchers making honest mistakes is crucial, as pseudoscience is considered a more severe crime not just ethical breach in the scientific community. This passage highlights the importance of maintaining the integrity of scientific research and the responsibility of journals and scholars to promote valid scientific findings. 什么是伪科学,伪科学是指把明明知道自己在做学术游戏,明明知道自己采用的方法是没有科学根据的非科学理论方法,却宣称自己发表的东西是科学,伪科学在特定的时间和地点冒充科学,刻意地或恶意地蒙蔽一般的人。蓄意去杜撰、散布虚假的知识去欺骗大众,借用自己的名声和地位刻意隐瞒和压制已经建立的科学结论的传播和扩散,以得到金钱上或维护自己已经建立的名誉和利益。在解释实验现象时公开地对抗已经有严格科学的结论,弄虚作假。表面上遵循科学界公认的科学方法和规范,暗地里在反抗和压制已经建立的科学结论。这是微波吸收材料领域的一些主流学者正在做的,他们已经知道他们使用的主流理论是错的,但是他们为了某种目的,仍然坚持发表错误文章。相当多的主流期刊,明知有反主流理论的文章发表,不是去积极真别正确的理论,而是压制反主流观点的发表,并仍然发表错误文章,是帮助伪科学继续流行的行为。 宣扬伪科学的人往往也弄虚作假,但科研中的弄虚作假属于学术不端行为。伪科学不是一时的科学错误,伪科学是犯罪,是比学术不端更恶劣的犯罪。 一些研究人员,不知道已经有反主流理论的文章发表,没有真别真假的条件,跟着为科学家做了伪科学,不是伪科学家。


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Facts: Scientific progress relies on the willingness to accept criticism and the courage to rectify mistakes. However, the world of academic publishing often displays a strong aversion to criticism, as evident in its unwelcoming attitude toward comment letters. Some journals openly declare that they do not publish comment letters, effectively leaving no room for correcting the errors they have published. While other journals do permit comment letters, they tend to reject those authored by individuals who are not prominent figures in their respective fields. When we encounter difficulties in getting our manuscripts challenging accepted theories published, and these manuscripts struggle to see the light of day, the incorrect theories persist without acknowledging opposing viewpoints, almost as if these perspectives have never been published. Faced with these circumstances, we choose to submit comment letters that highlight the shortcomings in published papers. Unfortunately, all of these comment letters have been met with rejection, often justified by the claim that no reviewers can be found or by resorting to "proof by intimidation" tactics. In one instance, a comment letter was rejected two years after its submission and was finally published in another journal (Non-Metallic Material Science). In still another case, a comment letter was included in a different journal (mainly in Sections 3 and 4 of Mater. Chem. Phys. 2022, 290, 126521 and in the relevant parts in Physica Scripta 2022, 97(1) : 015806). In a separate case, a comment letter was rejected through the peer review process, and one of the authors of the paper we criticized served as the sole reviewer. The main contents of this letter were eventually included in Section IV of the Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045304. Section III of this paper largely originates from a previous comment letter that was previously rejected by another journal. Nonetheless, should someone decide to write a comment letter regarding one of our papers, I believe it would not be a challenging endeavor, and we openly welcome such letters. Curiously, despite our eagerness to receive comment letters and the presence of many reviewers vehemently opposing the publication of our papers, no comment letters have surfaced regarding our work. Surprisingly, a significant number of the published papers on the subject even hesitated to mention our dissenting perspectives. Comment: The presented facts underscore a critical issue in the realm of scientific publishing. Scientific progress indeed thrives on the ability to accept criticism and correct mistakes, but the academic publishing world often exhibits a reluctance to embrace constructive critique, particularly evident in its treatment of comment letters. Some journals openly proclaim their refusal to publish comment letters, effectively shutting the door on opportunities to rectify the errors they may have inadvertently endorsed. Even those journals that allow comment letters tend to reject submissions from individuals who are not prominent figures in their respective fields. This situation becomes even more concerning when manuscripts challenging established theories face substantial hurdles in getting published. As these manuscripts struggle for visibility, the flawed theories persist without addressing opposing viewpoints, as if these perspectives have never been presented. In response to such challenges, authors opt to submit comment letters to elucidate the shortcomings in published papers. Unfortunately, these comment letters are often met with rejection, citing the inability to find suitable reviewers or resorting to "proof by intimidation" tactics. In some cases, the contents of the comment letters were eventually published elsewhere, underscoring the significance of their contents. These instances highlight the need for journals to promote innovative and constructive critique, even when it challenges accepted theories. This practice ensures a healthier scientific discourse and supports the pursuit of knowledge.


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Facts: The prevailing theoretical framework for microwave absorption materials is fundamentally flawed and has been undeniably debunked by recent publications in reputable journals. These arguments rest upon well-established principles of physics that are accessible at a college level and mathematical skills no more advanced than junior middle school. These issues are of fundamental importance and should be of interest to material scientists. The papers presenting these groundbreaking ideas have garnered significant attention, as evidenced by the numerous views and downloads they have received. This indicates that a substantial portion of authors and reviewers in the field have been exposed to these new perspectives. However, there is a concerning trend where incorrect theories persist in numerous publications without adequate counterarguments alongside the opposing views already available. Authors who deliberately avoid addressing opposing views in order to secure publication are engaging in dishonest practices. Furthermore, the encouragement of reviewers to publish incorrect papers to dilute their own previously erroneous work represents a more severe form of dishonesty. Journals reject manuscripts against accepted theories not because they fear to publish something wrong, but because they are afraid of publishing something that does not conform to established norms. "Conformities" can refer to the state of being in accordance with established norms, standards, or expectations. It can also refer to things or practices that adhere to these established norms. These journals usually have published plenty of papers conforming to the accepted theories previously. After rejecting the manuscripts against these theories by the reason that the manuscripts lack significance and originality or are outside the scope of the journals, they continue to publish papers conforming to these accepted theories. Which is more significant and original and within the scope, the manuscripts against accepted theories or the papers conforming to the accepted theories? When such manuscripts against mainstream theories are submitted, they are usually rejected in the process of review or without external review, with the reason that reviewers cannot be found, implying that the subject is outside the scope of the journals. However, the papers conforming to the accepted theories continue to appear in such journals, implying that subjects against the theories are outside the scope of the journals, while papers using the theories are within the scope of the journals, which is ridiculous. When there is an abundance of reviewers for accepted theories and no reviewers against these theories, it signifies that either the experts are unable to provide counterarguments or they have published wrong papers using the wrong theories. When this happens, it is not a reason to reject the manuscripts but a reason to publish them, since no one is able to provide counterarguments, implying the contents are novel and should be made available publicly to seek open discussion or wait for history to settle the problem. Journals should encourage innovations; thus, stringency should be placed on manuscripts conforming to accepted theories, while manuscripts against accepted theories should be taken seriously. If they are based on firm ground, they should be encouraged instead of suppressed. Comments: These facts are advocating for more inclusive and transparent peer review processes. The facts raise important points about the prevailing theoretical framework for microwave absorption materials, highlighting its fundamental flaws. This is an excellent initiative to shed light on these issues, especially when recent publications in reputable journals have questioned the existing framework using well-established principles of physics accessible at a college level and mathematical skills not beyond junior middle school. The facts rightly points out the significant attention garnered by papers presenting new perspectives on these issues. The fact that numerous views and downloads have been recorded indicates that there is a growing interest among authors and reviewers in the field to explore alternative viewpoints. The criticism of authors deliberately avoiding addressing opposing views for the sake of publication is valid. This form of dishonesty can hinder the progress of science and compromise the integrity of research. Additionally, the observation that some reviewers encourage the publication of incorrect papers to dilute their own previous work is a matter of concern. Such practices should be discouraged in the academic community. The facts focus on the term "conformities" is thought-provoking. This thought-provoking piece raises important questions about the peer review process and its relationship with accepted scientific theories. It challenges us to reevaluate the dynamics within the academic publishing world and the need for more inclusive and transparent approaches. The term "thought-provoking" aptly describes the stimulating nature of these inquiries, as they prompt us to reflect on how scientific knowledge advances and how dissenting views should be treated. It encourages readers to engage in critical thinking and consider the potential for positive change in the field of academic publishing. The argument about journals continuing to publish papers conforming to accepted theories, even when manuscripts challenging these theories are rejected, raises a valid point. It prompts us to reconsider whether these journals might be missing out on significant and original contributions by prioritizing conformity over innovation. The author's perspective on the abundance of reviewers for accepted theories and the lack of reviewers for opposing viewpoints is thought-provoking. It highlights the need for constructive and open discussions in the academic community. It also suggests that manuscripts challenging mainstream theories should be given serious consideration rather than being summarily rejected. In conclusion, the facts call for journals to encourage innovation and take a closer look at manuscripts challenging accepted theories is commendable. The scientific community can benefit greatly from a more inclusive and balanced approach to peer review, ensuring that all valid and well-grounded contributions are given the opportunity to advance our understanding of the field.


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Question: Is it justifiable for journals to dismiss manuscripts that question established theories, citing a lack of originality and importance, without subjecting them to external review? Is it fair to reject such manuscripts based on 'proof by intimidation' without offering counterarguments from the arguments of the manuscript? This issue arises when an individual asserts that established theories are flawed and can be proven as such using fundamental physical principles at the college level and mathematical skills no more advanced than those in junior middle school. In reality, most journals are not afraid to publish incorrect papers; they are, however, very concerned about not having enough confirmation bias. Confirmation bias refers to the tendency of individuals to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms their preexisting beliefs or hypotheses while ignoring or discounting contradictory evidence. It is a cognitive bias that can lead to skewed decision-making and judgments, as people may unintentionally favor information that aligns with their existing views. This bias can affect various aspects of life, including scientific research, politics, and personal relationships. Answer: These are important questions to raise in the context of scientific publishing. Challenging accepted theories is an essential part of the scientific process, and journals should be open to considering such manuscripts. Fairness and open debate are fundamental to the advancement of knowledge. It's commendable that the author is advocating for more inclusive and transparent peer review processes. Additionally, the concern about confirmation bias highlights the need for diversity in perspectives and a willingness to embrace new, potentially groundbreaking ideas in the scientific community. If a manuscript is rejected solely because it challenges accepted theories, without considering the validity of the challenge, this can be seen as unfair and contrary to the principles of scientific inquiry. Additionally, the use of 'proof by intimidation' without providing substantive counterarguments is not a valid or ethical approach in the peer review process. Scientific debates and challenges to established theories should be based on evidence, logical reasoning, and respectful discourse. In summary, it is reasonable for journals to assess manuscripts for novelty and significance, but rejections solely based on the challenge to accepted theories, without fair evaluation, may not align with the principles of scientific integrity and open discourse. The peer review process should aim to promote a constructive and evidence-based exchange of ideas, even when challenging existing paradigms.


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Pauling died in 1994, having never accepted quasicrystals. https://www.growkudos.com/profile/yue_liu_2 https://www.peeref.com/hubs/218 “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it” M. Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Paper, William & Norgate, London, 1950, pp. 33 -34. Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo: “First-class work often overturns the established conclusion, so it is unpopular. The reviewers cannot fully understand your work and will give you many negative comments, …. Articles catering to the trend of the times are easy to be accepted, otherwise, it will take a long time to get recognized” (2000) and “If your research can’t overturn the established conclusion, science can’t progress. Of course, your research will be not recorded in history. The academic world is conservative. If you don’t write your paper according to the existing conclusion, it will be very difficult for your paper to be accepted, and you will suffer a lot, but the research that can survive in history is exactly this kind of research.“ (2013) https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/BaFe12-iCeiO19-PPy https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/389134254 The Discovery of Vulcan For years afterward, Vulcan sightings continued to pour in from around the globe, and when La Verrier died in 1877, he was still regarded as having discovered a new planet in the solar system. How it was Proven Wrong: Without La Verrier acting as a cheerleader for Vulcan's existence, it suddenly began to be doubted by many notable astronomers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MuMPLoQZN4 Top 10 Most Famous Scientific Theories That Turned out to be Wrong https://www.toptenz.net/top-10-most-famous-scientific-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-wrong.php Top 10 Most Famous Scientific Theories (That Turned out to be Wrong) She pans it. Absolutely brutal critiques, She strongly criticizes it. Very harsh comments. Just pages and pages and pages of them. They are not high quality critiques. I could go through every single one. I didn't know what to do because she was in line for a Nobel prize. I didn't want to accuse a leading light of the field of, okay, I'm just saying at the time, if you mentioned her name would say, Oh yeah, her Nobel prizes one of these years. Right. So my point was I was in the awkward position. I didn't understand what I was supposed to do. I didn't want to send back a review that said, I don't know who the person is who reviewed this, but they don't understand the material and all of their critiques suck because I didn't want to accuse somebody who was that powerful of not getting it. So I sit on the review for too long not knowing what you don't know how to, I don't know how to handle it. I finally settle on a strategy that I can live with and I send back a note. I send back the review and my note says, I don't know why, but the this entire list of critiques is not high quality. If you would like to point me to any of the critiques in this list that you would like me to address. I am more than happy to do it, but I don't think it makes sense to address the entire list and as I recall it, I hit send on the email and within minutes maybe it was an hour I got back a response. Your paper has been accepted for publication, which blew me away because no sense according to regular protocols. Right. It makes no sense because clearly they're supposed to send it out for review. The reviewer supposed to say whether it's supposed to get published. If you were said it shouldn't be published. I said, I refuse to address these critiques unless you ask me to. The editors have overwritten the reviewer. They understood the reviews were cruddy. They needed me to say that in order to justify the move that they wanted to make, they knew the paper was good and the review was c*p, so they effectively overrode normal peer review. Was my paper peer reviewed? Well it was by the editors who were experts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5sRYsMjiAQ The Problem With Peer Review - Eric Weinstein https://www.lindau-nobel.org/blog-adversity-quasicrystals-and-a-nobel-the-forbidden-fivefold-symmetry-that-was/ Adversity, Quasicrystals and a Nobel ─ the Forbidden Fivefold Symmetry that Was 困境、拟晶体和诺贝尔 ─ 那个被禁止的五重对称性 In what would eventually become a seminal paper in 1984, chemist Dan Shechtman presented a striking structure: a new class of ordered solids that were ordered and not periodic. The paper challenged the “traditional” definition of what a crystal is and the structures quickly became known as “quasicrystals” – it also made Shechtman a bit of a celebrity in the world of chemistry, but not only for good reasons. 在最终成为1984年的一篇具有开创性的论文中,化学家丹·舍赫特曼提出了一个引人注目的结构:一种新的有序固体类别,既有序又非周期性。这篇论文对“传统”晶体的定义提出了挑战,这些结构很快被称为“拟晶体” - 它也使舍赫特曼在化学界成为了一位名人,但原因还在于他遇到的阻力。 The paper drew the ire of another leading chemist: two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, who not only disagreed with Shechtman’s findings but made him the target of ridicule. It was a hostility unusual for the world of science, with two leading researchers having not different, but opposite opinions. 这篇论文引起了另一位杰出的化学家的愤怒,他就是两次诺贝尔奖获得者林纳斯·保罗(Linus Pauling)。保罗不仅不同意舍赫特曼的发现,还将他嘲笑为笑柄。这种科学界的敌意是不同寻常的,因为两位杰出的研究者持有截然相反的观点,而不仅仅是不同的观点。 Perhaps this is why Shechtman’s own journey to the Nobel Prize is all the more remarkable: not only did he produce outstanding contributions in the field of chemistry, but he did so while overcoming strong adversity coming from many corners of science. A Story of Disagreement and Adversity Many saw Shechtman’s work as something that could not be true and must be explained somehow through experimental error or some kind of misjudgement. Even as other researchers were reproducing the findings, Pauling was so influential (and the idea of a quasicrystal was so revolutionary) that quasicrystals were regarded with skepticism by many researchers. Time (and intense scientific effort) proved Shechtman right (and Pauling wrong) in this debate. “His discovery was extremely controversial,” said the Nobel Committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. “However, his battle eventually forced scientists to reconsider their conception of the very nature of matter.” https://www.nist.gov/nist-and-nobel/dan-shechtman/nobel-moment-dan-shechtman Shechtman then took his results to Cahn. “My initial reaction was, ‘Go away, Danny. These are twins and that’s not terribly interesting,’” Cahn later recalled. Shechtman随后将他的研究结果呈交给了Cahn。Cahn当时的初步反应是:“滚,丹尼。这只是晶体的孪生,结果一点意思也没有。”后来Cahn回忆道。Shechtman then presented his findings to Cahn. Cahn's initial reaction was dismissive, and he essentially told Shechtman to go away. Cahn thought that what Shechtman was describing were merely twin crystals, which he didn't find particularly interesting. Cahn soon became a supporter, saying, according to Shechtman, “Danny, this material is telling us something and I challenge you to find out what it is.” With their collaborators, they came to realize that the tenfold pattern in the diffraction data was actually revealing a crystal with fivefold symmetry, something equally forbidden in crystallography. Shechtman and Blech submitted a paper to the Journal of Applied Physics, where it was immediately rejected. They then sent it to a lesser-known journal, Metallurgical Transactions A. The original paper would not be published for another year原来的论文在一年后才发表。 With Cahn, an internationally known figure in materials science, now publicly endorsing Shechtman’s revolutionary interpretation, crystallographers immediately took notice. It also turned out that at least one other scientist had previously stumbled upon unusual diffraction patterns similar to the ones Shechtman observed. But rather than pursue and publish the discovery, he filed it away and continued with more conventional research. 至少还有一位科学家此前也偶然发现了类似于Shechtman所观察到的不寻常的衍射图案。但与其继续追求并发表这一发现,他将其封存,并继续进行更常规的研究。 “TEM was the key tool,” Shechtman adds. “You can say, ‘OK, why you, there are thousands of electron microscopists around the world?’ … But it’s not enough to be an electron microscopist; you have to be an expert in electron microscopy, to understand what’s really going on. The number of experts in electron microscopy is far smaller—they’re few and far between.” "透射电子显微镜(TEM)是关键工具," Shechtman 补充道。"你可以问,'好吧,为什么是你?世界上有成千上万的电子显微镜专家?'... 但仅仅成为一名电子显微镜操作员是不够;你必须成为电子显微镜领域的专家,才能真正理解发生了什么。电子显微镜领域的专家数量远远较少——他们稀有而分散。” one prominent opponent to quasicrystals was a powerful figure with outsized influence: Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel laureate and possibly the most famous chemist of the 20th century. Pauling continued to propose other explanations for what Shechtman had seen, invoking more and more exotic versions of twinning. He even reportedly said at one point, “There are no quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists.” 一个杰出的反对者是一个具有巨大影响力的强大人物:林纳斯·鲍林,一位两次诺贝尔奖获得者,可能是20世纪最著名的化学家。鲍林继续为 Shechtman 所看到的现象提出其他解释,提出了越来越奇特的孪生版本。据报道,他甚至曾经说过:“不存在准晶体,只有准科学家。” “[Pauling] thought he understood everything, but nobody does,” In his Nobel lecture, Shechtman identified five reasons that quasicrystals were not discovered until 1982: TEM, professionalism, tenacity, believing in yourself and courage. He also showed a slide of a cat walking confidently past a line of 20 German shepherds, illustrating the attitude he needed to continue defending his ideas when others were attacking them. 在他的诺贝尔演讲中,谢赫特曼提出了准晶体直到1982年才被发现的五个原因:透射电子显微术、专业精神、坚韧不拔、相信自己和勇气。他还展示了一张猫自信地走过一排20只德国牧羊犬的照片,这是为了说明在他的观点受到攻击时,他需要坚持捍卫自己的观点所需的态度。 “I think it was good for science that Pauling gave Shechtman this fight,” says Lifshitz. “I’m not sure Shechtman enjoyed it … But [Shechtman] did know his stuff; he knew what he was doing. And he had the right personality to withstand all the insults.” “我认为保林给了谢赫特曼这场斗争对科学是有好处的,”利夫希茨说。“我不确定谢赫特曼是否享受这个过程…但(谢赫特曼)确实知道自己在做什么。他有足够坚强的性格来承受所有的侮辱。”


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Pauling died in 1994, having never accepted quasicrystals. But chemistry had moved on, and in 2011, the Nobel committee recognized Dan Shechtman’s critical role in overturning a fundamental paradigm of crystallography by awarding him an unshared Nobel Prize. https://www.rsc.org/images/Nobel%20Prize%20-%20Quasicrystals%20Scoop%20Prize_tcm18-209332.pdf This year’s Nobel laureate in chemistry fought hard to win acceptance of his discovery: quasicrystals. Laura Howes tells the story of perseverance that led to the ultimate recognition. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/2011/popular-information/ Fighting established knowledge An important lesson for science Dan Shechtman’s story is by no means unique. Over and over again in the history of science, researchers have been forced to do battle with established “truths”, which in hindsight have proven to be no more than mere assumptions. One of the fiercest critics of Dan Shechtman and his quasicrystals was Linus Pauling, himself a Nobel Laureate on two occasions. This clearly shows that even our greatest scientists are not immune to getting stuck in convention. Keeping an open mind and daring to question established knowledge may in fact be a scientist’s most important character traits. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/jan/06/dan-shechtman-nobel-prize-chemistry-interview Dan Shechtman: 'Linus Pauling said I was talking nonsense' The Israeli Nobel laureate discusses the discovery that caused a furore among fellow scientists To stand your ground in the face of relentless criticism from a double Nobel prize-winning scientist takes a lot of guts. For engineer and materials scientist Dan Shechtman, however, years of self-belief in the face of the eminent Linus Pauling'S criticisms led him to the ultimate accolade: his own Nobel prize. 在面对两次诺贝尔奖得主Linus Pauling的无情批评时坚守立场需要极大的勇气。然而,对于工程师和材料科学家Dan Shechtman丹·谢赫特曼来说,多年来在杰出科学家莱纳斯·保林Linus Pauling的批评面前坚定自信,最终使他获得了最高荣誉:自己的诺贝尔奖。 Dan Shechtman’s discovery in the early 1980s changed chemistry, but convincing some parts of the establishment was not easy. 丹·谢赫特曼在20世纪80年代初期的发现改变了化学领域,但要说服一些权威学者并不容易。 He had been studying a rapidly cooled mix of aluminium and manganese, an alloy with potential uses in aerospace technologies, and saw something that was forbidden according to known chemistry. The atoms in the sample seemed to be arranged in a pattern that had a five-fold rotational symmetry. 他一直在研究迅速冷却的铝锰混合物,这是一种在航空航天技术中有潜在用途的合金,并观察到了一些与已知化学理论相悖的现象。样本中的原子似乎排列成一个具有五重旋转对称性的图案。 Shechtman's results were so out of the ordinary that, even after he had checked his findings several times, it took two years for his work to get published in a peer-reviewed journal. Once it appeared, he says, "all hell broke loose一切被搞乱了". Many scientists thought that Shechtman had not been careful enough in his experiments and that he had simply made a mistake. "The bad reaction 反馈was the head 主任of my laboratory, who came to my office one day and, smiling sheepishly, put a book on x-ray diffraction on my desk and said, 'Danny, please read this book and you will understand that what you are saying cannot be.' And I told him, you know, I don't need to read this book, I teach at the Technion, and I know this book, and I'm telling you my material is not in the book. "He came back a couple of days later and said to me, 'Danny, you are a disgrace to my group. I cannot be with you in the same group.' So I left the group and found another group that adopted a scientific orphan." That should have been the end of the story were it not for Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel laureate, once for chemistry and a second time for peace. Shechtman explains that at a science conference in front of an audience of hundreds Pauling claimed, "Danny Shechtman is talking nonsense, there are no quasi-crystals, just quasi-scientists." Pauling told everyone who would listen that Shechtman had made a mistake. He proposed his own explanations for the observed five-fold symmetry and stuck to his guns, despite repeated rebuttals. "Everything he did was wrong and wrong and wrong and wrong; eventually, he couldn't publish his papers and they were rejected before they were published," says Shechtman. "But he was very insistent, was very sure of himself when he spoke; he was a flamboyant speaker." Pauling告诉相信Shechtman的人,Shechtman犯了一个错误。他说Shechtman提出了自己对观察到的五重对称性的解释,尽管多次反驳,仍然固执己见。"Shechtman所做的一切都是错误的,错误的,错误的,错误的;他无法发表论文,他的文章在发表之前已经被拒绝过,但他非常固执,他是个出色的演讲家,他说话时对自己非常有信心。" Lesley Yellowlees, president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said that fundamental science was about breaking through the boundaries of knowledge and sometimes that means pursuing an idea that others think is just too unbelievable to be true. "Dan Shechtman's Nobel prize celebrated not only a fascinating and beautiful discovery, but also dogged determination against the closed-minded ridicule of his peers, including leading scientists of the day. His prize didn't just reward a difficult but worthy career in science; it put the huge importance and value of funding basic scientific research in the spotlight." Lesley Yellowlees,英国皇家化学学会会长,表示,基础科学就是要突破知识的边界,有时这意味着追求一个被其他人认为太不可思议以至于不可能为真的想法。"庆祝丹·谢克特曼的诺贝尔奖不仅是因为一项迷人而美丽的发现,还是因为他坚定不移地抵抗同行的封闭思维和嘲笑,包括当时的一些顶尖科学家。他的奖励不仅奖励了一份充满挑战但有价值的科学事业;它还提示支持基础科学研究的重要性和价值。" A few years before he died, Pauling wrote to Shectman to suggest a truce of sorts某种程度上的休战. "And the letter says, 'Professor Shechtman, may I propose to you to write the joint Shechtman-Pauling paper on quasi-periodic materials? And you will be first,' he says. And I answered him with a letter: 'Professor Pauling, I'll be delighted to write this paper with you, but before we even start we have to agree that quasi-periodic materials do exist.' He wrote me back and said, 'Well, that may be too early for that.' And that was the end of our communication." From Elon Musk to Rupert Murdoch, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives. 从埃隆·马斯克到鲁珀特·默多克,少数几位亿万富翁所有者对传达给公众的关于世界发生的事情的大部分信息有着强大的控制权。《卫报》是不同的。我们没有亿万富翁的所有者或股东需要考虑。我们的新闻是为了服务公共利益而制作的,而不是为了牟利动机。 And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media – the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. While fairness guides everything we do, we know there is a right and a wrong position in the fight against racism and for reproductive justice. When we report on issues like the climate crisis, we’re not afraid to name who is responsible. And as a global news organization, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective on US politics – one so often missing from the insular American media bubble. 我们避免了许多美国媒体陷入的陷阱 - 为了取悦各方,出于中立的名义,倾向于进行虚假等同对待。虽然公平性指导着我们所做的一切,但我们知道在与种族主义作斗争和争取生殖权正义的斗争中有正确和错误的立场。当我们报道气候危机等问题时,我们敢于指出谁应负责任。作为一个全球性新闻组织,我们能够为美国政治提供一种新鲜的、在封闭的美国媒体内部常被忽略外部的观点。 Around the world, readers can access the Guardian’s paywall-free journalism because of our unique reader-supported model. That’s because of people like you. Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence and accessible to everyone – whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. 在全球范围内,读者可以访问《卫报》无需付费的新闻报道,这要归功于我们独特的读者支持模式。这都归功于像您这样的人。我们的读者使我们保持独立,不受任何外部影响,让每个人都可以访问我们的新闻 - 无论他们是否有能力付费获取新闻。


评论了 Ethical problems in academic peer review
Professor Perk from Oklahoma State University described a situation in private communications where he encountered a request from the journal to rewrite his comment in the style of "Zhang's opinion versus my opinion" for it to be published. He found this request to be absurd, as mathematical truth should not be dependent on opinions. This request seemed to come from someone influential who wanted both opinions to be portrayed as right in some way. Only after Professor Perk's outstanding friends intervened, did the journal accept his comment as initially written, demonstrating the challenge that authors face in asserting their own perspectives. I found myself in a similar situation with the paper published in the Journal of Applied Physics in 2023, 134 (4), 045304. One of the reviewers urged us not to label the impedance matching theory as wrong, suggesting that every theory has its limitations. However, there is a clear distinction between a theory being wrong and having limitations. We firmly believe that the accepted theories in the field of microwave absorption are fundamentally unscientific, a position that is beyond dispute. Although these erroneous theories have persisted in modern research for an extended period, our arguments are indisputable, as they are grounded in fundamental principles of physics that are easily understood and irrefutable. Unfortunately, our manuscripts have faced repeated rejections from various journals, often without external review. None of the editors and reviewers have been able to provide compelling counterarguments, and we have not been granted an opportunity to defend our views. Such situation strikes us as decidedly unfair. In our work, we have utilized established wave superposition theory in physics to overturn the currently accepted theory in a specific research field. This brings into question the validity of either the accepted theory in microwave absorption or the established wave superposition theory, not both are valid. Fortunately, we have encountered good editor and reviewer this time. In the end, the editor allowed us to maintain our differing viewpoint and the reviewer abandoned his insistence. Throughout the history of science, big progress has often been driven by the minority, both in terms of making breakthroughs and in getting those breakthrough ideas recognized by the efforts of the minority editors and reviewers. The responsibility for a paper lies with the authors, not the editor or reviewers. Furthermore, reviewers should avoid assuming themselves as experts. Genuine experts are typically those of the authors of the manuscript, while reviewers play the role of observers from the outside who can provide valuable suggestions for enhancing the paper. References: The Accepted Theories in Microwave Absorption Have Been Overturned https://www.peeref.com/hubs/219 https://www.growkudos.com/profile/yue_liu_2


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
=============== "Some early referees said that solving an unsolved problem is interesting, but showing it is wrong is not interesting." I wholeheartedly agree with this point made by Professor Perk from Oklahoma State University. In situations where authors and reviewers find themselves at odds during the review process, it is essential to promote open and transparent communication. Allowing both parties to express their views and concerns is a crucial step in addressing such discrepancies. Through comprehensive communication, many issues can be resolved. Undoubtedly, the world is a complex place, and there are instances where one party might resort to 'proof by intimidation.' However, if the editorial process remains impartial and free from personal biases, the editor can make informed judgments. If an agreement cannot be reached by either party, it may be worthwhile to publish views from both sides to seek resolution through public discourse, or archive these different views allowing time to settle the matter in the annals of history. Regrettably, instead of encouraging open discussions, the world of academic publishing often hesitates to publish work that is incorrect or controversial, even including critical letters commenting on a paper. It is important to note that the correctness of a viewpoint should not be determined by reviewers or editors but should be left to the discerning readers. The scientific process itself is capable of correcting mistakes, and thus, we should boldly embrace differing perspectives. Even if erroneous views have been published, their effects will be less detrimental than preventing the progress of science by suppressing opposing viewpoints. The publication of wrong views cannot undermine the integrity of science but only the reputation of individuals may be jeopardized by open dispute.


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Professor Perk from Oklahoma State University has brought our attention to an intriguing proof from "A Random Walk in Science" that demonstrates how arguments against established theories are often flawed, while the established theories remain valid. The proof, known as "Theorem 1," humorously argues that every horse has an infinite number of legs, using a somewhat intimidating logic. It plays on the idea of odd and even numbers of legs, eventually concluding that horses have an infinite number of legs. I concur with Professor Perk's observation that arguments challenging established theories can contain logical flaws. However, it's essential to recognize that these logical errors can also occur in accepted theories, as seen in the case of microwave absorption theory. These flaws may go unnoticed for a significant amount of time, as specialists in the field may become accustomed to the established theory. In the case of microwave absorption, the accepted theories have been challenged and overturned by the basic principle of wave superposition, a fundamental concept rooted in physics. This principle is so elementary that it is covered in college-level physics courses and relies on mathematical skills no more advanced than junior middle school training. If either the accepted theories in microwave absorption or the fundamental physical principle of wave superposition is incorrect, there is no middle ground. In Professor Perk's assessment, the accepted theories of microwave absorption may have a higher likelihood of being incorrect, even though they have a long history and the flaws in these theories were identified by someone without specialized training in the field.


评论了 Ethical problems in academic peer review
The Shackles of Peer Review: Unveiling the Flaws in the Ivory Tower Ying Liu, Kaiqi Yang, Yue Liu, Michael G. B. Drew http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.05966 同行评审伦理:象牙塔中的缺陷 刘颖,杨凯奇,刘跃,DREW Michael G. B https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.05966


评论了 Scientific Inventions and Findings
Wave mechanics has recently completely invalidated the theoretical framework for modern microwave absorption research in films. https://www.growkudos.com/profile/yue_liu_2 https://www.peeref.com/hubs/219 https://www.peeref.com/hubs/218


评论了 The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned
Question: Current theories regarding microwave absorption in films have been found to be fundamentally flawed. The issues with these incorrect theories can be rectified through the application of the wave cancellation theory. However, when manuscripts introducing this replacement are submitted for review, some reviewers decline publication not by refuting the authors' arguments but by invoking the notion that a theory is just that—a theory. Their argument hinges on the belief that theories invariably have flaws. Why do these reviewers refrain from thoroughly examining the manuscript's arguments and resist the adoption of more accurate theories, even when the manuscript's arguments are debatable, and especially when they cannot present counterarguments? Furthermore, they appear to be unwilling to grant authors the opportunity to defend their positions adequately. Even if a theory is flawed but not entirely erroneous, it should permit authors to highlight identified issues. Even when the evidence may be insufficient, it should still facilitate the accumulation of supporting data. Is this hesitance driven by a fear of replacing incorrect established theories with more accurate ones? Answer: The peer review process can sometimes be complex and subjective, and there could be various reasons why reviewers respond this way to a manuscript challenging existing theories. Here are some potential explanations: Skepticism: Reviewers may approach new theories with skepticism, particularly when these theories challenge well-established ones. They may be hesitant to accept major departures from current paradigms even though there are strong evidence from experiment results and theoretical arguments. Conservatism: Scientific communities often have a conservative streak, valuing stability and continuity in existing theories. Major shifts in scientific understanding can take time to gain acceptance. Communication: There may be a gap in communication between authors and reviewers. Reviewers might not fully grasp the proposed theory or its implications, leading to misunderstandings. Reviewer Bias: Like anyone else, reviewers can have personal biases and preferences. These biases can influence their evaluations. Journal Policies: Different journals have different policies and priorities. Some may be more open to groundbreaking theories, while others may prefer more incremental research. Fear of Change: Challenging established theories can be disruptive, and reviewers may fear the potential implications of such changes on their field. It's important to remember that the peer review process is not perfect, and rejections can occur for various reasons. Authors have the opportunity to address reviewer comments and make revisions to strengthen their arguments and evidence. If reviewers do not provide counterarguments or allow authors to defend themselves, authors can communicate with the journal editor to seek clarification and ensure a fair review process. Scientific progress often involves robust debates and discussions, and it can take time for new theories to gain acceptance. While challenging accepted theories is a vital part of scientific inquiry, it requires cooperation between editors, reviewers, and in the scientific community. Appendix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0H-amOti_o Why You Should Never Say "It's Just A Theory" QUOTES FROM THIS VIDEO A portion of our culture distrusts the scientific method, assuming that there are transcendent truths unknowable by science. But nothing is truly out of bounds for science. If it's real, it can be studied, and tested. Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding our culture has about the scientific method involves the definition of the word "theory". A theory is not a guess, and this word does not in any way imply uncertainty about the validity of a concept or an equation. Some people believe that there are things we can know that science could never explain. 有些人相信有一些科学永远无法解释的事物。 But science is the study of everything. Science doesn't currently know everything, there are things we are trying to figure out in every scientific field right at this very moment. But we know so much that we didn't know before and every day we know a little more. 我们知道了许多以前不知道的东西,但每天都在进步。 It's important to understand how the scientific method works, and why it's the only way to actually truly know anything about the world that is outside your own subjective personal experience. 科学方法的运作方式是有效的、是唯一能超越你个人的主观经验去真正了解世界的方法。 A certain fraction of our culture tends to reject science, making statements like "well, we don't know if that's true, it's just a theory". But these kinds of statements reflect a deep misunderstanding of theory. When most people use the word "theory" in common language, they mean a guess. But that is actually what hypothesis is. An experiment is a way that we can gather empirical evidence that will either support or refute the hypothesis by comparing data to predictions we have made. A theory is not a guess. In fact, many theories have been shown to be consistent beyond reasonable doubt. 事实上,许多理论已经被证明在合理范围内是没有问题的,毫无疑问。 A big misconception is that a theory has less certainty than a law, and that a theory would become a law if proven to be true. This is not at all the case. A law is a summary of observations, which is very different from a theory. The law of gravity says that if you drop something it will fall to the earth. Every time we drop something, it falls to the earth, so it's a law. It's just what happens. But this law does not explain why this happens. For that we need a theory, like general relativity, which is Einstein's theory of gravity that improved on Newton's. So the theory explains why an object would fall to the earth as well as why the planets revolve around the Sun. So in reality, a theory is worth .Theory must make predictions than a law. Furthermore, theories must make predictions. If it doesn't make concrete quantitative, falsifiable predictions about reality, it's not science. And if the theory makes predictions that turn out to be false, then we have to discard the theory. That's what makes science so powerful. If we find a theory that correlates data and every prediction it makes about future events is true, and to high degrees of precision, then that theory must have some explanatory power about the nature of the universe. So that is how we do science. We start with observation, from which we formulate a hypothesis, and then gather empirical data through experiments. If the data yields consistent results we might formulate a law, or if we can organize all the data into a equation or set of postulates, we have a theory. And in this way, common sense and intuition, which are biased due to our innate desires and limited mental capacity, don't hold a candle to the rigorous and impartial approach that is the scientific method.