Dr Ezeh Ernest Mbamalu

Nigeria Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa state Nigeria

28. Removal of Hg II and Cu II Ions from Aqueous Solution Using Activated Carbon Produced from Palm Fruit Fibre
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Adsorption Efficiency of Activated Carbon Produced from Corn Cob for the Removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solution
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Analysis of Heavy Metals in Different Brands of lipstick sold in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria and their Potential Health Risk to Users
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Analysis, Evaluation and Stochastic Modeling of Emission Level of three Greenhouse Gases (CO2, H2O, and SO2) through vehicle Activities within Enugu metropolis
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Assessment Of The Levels Of Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds And Other Substances In The Air In A Plastic Recycling Environment Situated In Scientific Equipment Development Institute, Enugu
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Assessment of Cd, Pb, and Cu contents in ready–to–eat foods (Shawarma, Chin-Chin, Chicken Pie, Fish Pie, Butter pie) sold in eateries within Enugu metropolis and their potential health risks to consumers
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Comparative Assessment Of The Heavy And Trace Metal Levels In Honey Produced Within Nsukka And Enugu Metropolis
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Comparative Assessment of the Levels of Pathogenic Bacterial and heavy metals in Herbal Liquors, root and teas sold within Awka and Enugu Metropolis
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Comparative Assessment of the Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Content of Borehole and Sachet Water Consumed in Aba Metropolis, Abia State Ezeh
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Cucumeropsis mannii seed oil (CMSO) attenuates alterations in testicular biochemistry and histology against Bisphenol Ainduced toxicity in male Wister albino rats
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