Xi Zhong

China Ocean University of China

Concentration and size distribution of total airborne microbes in hazy and foggy weather
作者: Lijie Dong, Jianhua Qi, Congcong Shao, Xi Zhong, Dongmei Gao, Wanwan Cao, Jiawei Gao, Ran Bai, Gaoyuan Long, Congcong Chu
发表期刊: Science of The Total Environment
Seasonal distribution of microbial activity in bioaerosols in the outdoor environment of the Qingdao coastal region
作者: Xi Zhong, Jianhua Qi, Hongtao Li, Lijie Dong, Dongmei Gao
发表期刊: Atmospheric Environment
Microbial activity levels in atmospheric bioaerosols in Qingdao
作者: Jianhua Qi, Xi Zhong, Qian Shao, Dongmei Gao, Lijing Wu, Lu Huang, Yalun Ye
发表期刊: Aerobiologia