认证评论 - Energy Technology
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wbz2760 2021-09-20

May I ask if this journal requires payment?

wbz2760 2021-09-20

May I ask, is there a fee for this journal?

MR Chang 2021-09-12

Is this an OA journal?

初学者 2021-08-29

Hello, may I ask if the status of editing technical review and finding reviewers has always been under consideration? It has been 15 days since submission and it is still under consideration, which is quite perplexing.

初学者 2021-08-24

It has been 12 days since the submission, and the status is still under consideration.

暖鸟 2021-07-28

2021.04.01 Under consideration
2021.06.15 Reminder for submission
2021.07.01 Major Revision
2021.07.06 Under consideration (revised)
2021.07.21 Accepted

There were two reviewers, one major revision, one minor revision, and a total of less than 20 suggested modifications.

狂风扫落叶 2021-07-07

It has been 12 days since submission, and it has been under consideration the entire time. At least there should be some change. I also sent an email but haven't received a reply.

暖鸟 2021-06-21

From April 1st until now, the status has been "Under consideration..."

Bruce XY 2021-05-08

I have been waiting for a month and there has been no progress. It has been under consideration the whole time, and I am very confused.

琉璃薛成败 2021-04-13

This publication is really strange. After a major revision, two reviewers provided a total of about 15 comments, and it needs to be revised within 10 days. The reviewing process is indeed fast, and it will be completed within 40 days.

wc9963 2021-03-18

Is it that this journal does not have the "under review" status? It feels agonizing without any updates.

SCI 2021-03-01

2020.9.8 Submission;
2021.2.11 Minor Revision (Three reviewers, only one reviewer raised two questions);
2021.2.13 Revised Manuscript Resubmitted;
2021.2.18 Accepted.
Overall, the editorial processing speed was fast, but it took more time to find reviewers.

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