认证评论 - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
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yggyygyg 2022-04-23

Hello, what field are you in? Why am I not able to find a suitable template for it?

小白爱学习 2022-04-21

2022.3.30 Submission
2022.4.18 Minor revision
2022.4.21 Minor revision response
2022.4.21 Inviting reviewers
The special issue I submitted is progressing at a decent speed. Now, I am waiting for the review results after the minor revision response.

人畜无害老青椒 2022-04-14

Even if the annual publication volume exceeds a thousand, it is considered relatively low compared to other OA journals. It is even inferior to some of IEEE's Trans and Journals, as well as certain hybrid OA journals that are still in the upgraded version of Zone 3, close to a rating of 6.

bi321 2022-04-10

This journal, I saw that the number of articles published this year reached 600 in April, while in previous years it was only over 100 for the whole year. Will it be warned by the end of this year?


2022.1.20 Submission
2022.2.18 Major revision
2022.3.9 Revised
2022.3.23 Accepted
The speed is okay, and there were also many suggestions for revision, which I am quite satisfied with.

Leesure 2022-03-17

What direction does artificial intelligence belong to, may I ask?

xiaozhangmim 2022-03-16

2021,9 submitted
2022,12 major revision
2022,2 minor revision
2022,3 accept
The AE was changed during the first review, which slowed down the process. In the end, four reviewers were invited and their comments were very professional. During the second review, the AE agreed to publish with minor revisions, and then after more than 10 days of pending approval, I received both an acceptance and a charge email. Overall, if you're not in a hurry, it's not bad. Thank you for the support of the AE and the reviewers.

sujiajiaa 2022-03-15

2021.10.19 Posted
2021.10.30 The states of submitted and AE invited are alternating
2021.12.09 Reviewer invited
2021.12.23 Under review
2022.01.10 Pending approval
2022.01.11 Submit revision + Major revision
2022.02.11 Under review after revision
2022.02.13 Pending approval
2022.02.18 Submit revision + Second minor revision
2022.02.24 Under review after revision
2022.02.25 Pending approval
2022.03.14 Accepted

The overall speed is a bit slow; too much time was spent on inviting the AE at the beginning.

哈哈小哥 2022-03-08

Just submitted an article and it was accepted, although it is open access, I still feel that it was somewhat difficult. This year's impact factor is 3.6, and it will only become more challenging to submit articles in the future after surpassing the threshold of 3.

S_E 2022-01-19

I asked the editor-in-chief, and they said that they invited AE but he/she did not agree. So they invited another AE. If it fails repeatedly, they will reject.

S_E 2022-01-08

Since its submission on November 19th, 2021, it has been continuously marked as "Submitted". I contacted the associate editor who mentioned they are currently looking for an assistant editor. The response was quite prompt, but it has been two months now and it still hasn't been sent for review...

Po_v 2021-12-31

After undergoing a major revision and a minor revision, I was accepted. To my surprise, there was only one reviewer for the external review, and his initial review comments were very detailed and professional. He covered everything from the abstract content, article structure, experimental conclusions, to even the definition of parameters. His comments filled an entire page, which indicated that he was an expert in the same field. When I first saw it, I felt overwhelmed and worried about the revisions I would have to make. However, unexpectedly, the second review comments were surprisingly friendly and only pointed out some grammar corrections. After the second revision, the paper was accepted on the last day of 2021.

Jaden 2021-12-17

I totally agree. My paper has been under review for over two months, and it was rejected with only the reason that it didn't align with the direction. Surprisingly, there wasn't even a single reviewer comment.

Jaden 2021-12-16

If you can submit to other journals, don't submit to this one. I first submitted a regular paper to this journal, but it has been two months and they still haven't found a reviewer. However, the editor said my direction is a match, so I withdrew my submission and submitted to a special issue of this journal that matches the direction. This time the process was very timely, but the review took almost three months. On the day before the special issue's deadline, they told me that the direction didn't match and rejected it without any review comments. I have never seen such an unreasonable journal before, it's really frustrating.

azurekim89 2021-12-04

This journal should be approached with caution, as its handling speed for articles by Chinese authors is extremely slow. Even if the AE (Associate Editor) accepts the manuscript, the process from acceptance to publication is also very slow. On the other hand, the processing speed for articles by people from the Middle East and South Asia is very fast. Its Production Team is very unreliable, with numerous errors in the edited articles. The correct symbols and formulas in the original text are completely wrong after processing. Chinese authors who are eager to graduate should submit to IEEE Access or MDPI instead of this journal, as they will regret it if they choose to submit here.

azurekim89 2021-12-01

Don't ask about the LaTeX template. I suspect that the editors from this publishing house have no understanding of LaTeX at all. It takes several months to process and publish manuscripts written in LaTeX.

苦学3天java找work 2021-11-28

May I ask how long it takes to receive notification of the review?

Nick 2021-11-26

The entire journal of their publishing house is disgusting, as they directly reject without stating reasons, and it is particularly unprofessional.

KingYJL 2021-11-18

I don't know about the other journals under Hindawi, but this journal is really not praiseworthy. After submitting, the status has been "AE invited" for three months continuously. And then the rejection feedback is just three words: "out of scope". Could you please reject the manuscript that is not within the scope of your journal earlier? This really delays someone's graduation.

啊啊啊嗷嗷嗷 2021-11-16

Can I have a tex template?

sujiajiaa 2021-11-10

Hello, I have also been constantly switching between these two states. May I ask how long this situation has lasted for you?

苦学3天java找work 2021-11-03

I have been submitting for more than 20 days and still have not received any reviewer invitations. Any classmates who have experienced a similar situation, can you please share your experience?

Po_v 2021-10-19

On October 19, 2021, I sent an email to the publishing house inquiring about the status. When I checked in the evening, I found that the status had changed to "reviewers agreed." I was still worried that it might take several months before it is sent for external review.

喜提AAAA 2021-10-04

Posted on August 21st, and then followed by a lengthy academic editing invitation, with a reminder in between. The editor replied saying they had invited an academic editor, but the academic editor had not responded yet. After waiting for more than 40 days, the academic editor still had not been invited. I sincerely couldn't tolerate this kind of delay, so I sent a withdrawal email. Within an hour, the editor sent an email saying the paper had been withdrawn.

It would be great if the journal handled submissions as quickly as they handled withdrawals. For an open-access fee-based journal, I find this review speed unacceptable. Regards!

Jaden 2021-09-29

I have been waiting for nearly three months since I submitted in early July, but I have not been assigned a reviewer yet. It has been in the stage of "reviewer invited". Have any of you encountered this situation?

sujiajiaa 2021-09-27

Okay, thank you for your answer. I hope we can both submit successfully!

Po_v 2021-09-26

Hello, friend upstairs. Because I don't know how to reply in the nested comment section, I can only reply directly below.
In Hindawi's Manuscript Tracking System, there will be a list of the articles you have submitted. By clicking on the submitted article, you can view its status.
If the author has not confirmed the submission, the status will be displayed as "in screening". If the status displayed is "submitted", it means the author has confirmed the submission successfully.

sujiajiaa 2021-09-26

Hello, I submitted in early September because of an email problem and my submission was returned for resubmission. How can we determine if the author has confirmed success after communicating with the editor? It has been half a month and I still haven't been assigned an academic editor, so I don't know if something has been missed. Thank you for your response.

Po_v 2021-09-25

August 18, 2021 Submission
September 3, 2021 Manuscript rejected due to issues with institutional email, unable to complete author confirmation
September 3, 2021 Resubmission
September 10, 2021 Successful author confirmation after communication with the editor
September 11, 2021 AE invited
September 12, 2021 Reviewers invited

par2ival 2021-09-16

Hello, friend, would it be convenient to exchange contact information? I have some doubts regarding the journal I am currently submitting to.~┭┮﹏┭┮

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