认证评论 - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

恶徒不错吧 2022-08-23

Register the email address of our organization, and use the new email address to register a new account on the platform before submitting again.

书声 2022-08-23

Already submitted three articles, can consult.

+努力努力再努力 2022-08-20

It has been 17 days now, and there is still no review or news.

little hua 2022-08-19

May I ask on which date did you submit your contribution?

+努力努力再努力 2022-08-10

I have not been assigned an editor nor a paper ID all this time. It has been continuously in the screening status, and I haven't received any response after emailing the journal. The journal hasn't responded at all. I have sent all four emails to the journal, but it was of no use. I want to withdraw my submission.

123 2022-08-08

March 18th, submitted.
April 20th, reviewers invited.
May 30th, changed academic editor. Due to the delay in finding reviewers, a reminder was sent. Then started under review.
June 19th, Minor Revision.
June 30th, minor revisions returned.
July 3rd, under review.
July 19th, Minor Revision.
August 1st, minor revisions returned.
August 2nd, under review.
August 3rd, pending approval.
August 5th, reviewers and academic editor decided to publish.
August 7th, submitted high-resolution images and final version of the paper.
August 7th noon, updates submitted.
August 8th, published.
The paper was submitted to a regular journal, which caused a slow process in finding an academic editor and reviewers in the early stages. Overall, open-access journals are not very difficult to publish in. If submitted to a special issue, it might be faster.
The content of the paper is related to natural language processing and neural networks.

little hua 2022-08-08

To proceed with the review, please provide us with an email address for the institution, a link to the institution's webpage that includes the author's email address, or a list of previously published works by the mentioned author. How can I assist you with this?

+努力努力再努力 2022-08-06

The communication is too frequent. The system is not allowing any more messages to be sent. You can add me as a friend for further discussion.

iuyio小菜狗1 2022-08-06

Hello, can you please take a look at the message? I'm really anxious. T^T

+努力努力再努力 2022-08-06

I just submitted, and the system only displayed the title and other content, without assigning a manuscript number. (Does the system not assign manuscript numbers?)
Lead Guest Editor: Unassigned
Guest Editor: Unassigned
How long will it take for the status to change?

Saint丶Messi 2022-07-23

How can I know when it will be published?

Saint丶Messi 2022-07-23

Hello, may I ask how to know if the status is 'publish' after the repair is done?

little hua 2022-07-22

May I ask if this submission requires registration confirmation from each author?

clara_cheng 2022-07-16

Hello, may I ask if your status has changed? How long does it take to arrange for editing? My submission has not been assigned an editor for several days, and I suspect if something was missed in my submission.

luludu 2022-07-14

Excuse me, is the special issue mentioned a call for papers? I just submitted an article and accidentally discovered that there might be issues with its visibility in search results. For example, (1) when searching, there might be an SI indicator, which could be discriminated against when looking for a job, as it might be considered a supplement issue. (2) The search time for special issues is often short, unlike regular journals that are searchable for a longer period. This is my first submission, and I am not familiar with the "tricks of the trade." I am wondering if your journal has encountered the aforementioned issues. Please kindly provide an answer.

NDHGG 2022-07-09

Hello, may I ask if all authors need to register and create an account when submitting an article to this journal? Otherwise, will it not be reviewed? After I submitted, it shows "submitted v1" but the status is "in screening."

我来了 2022-07-05

It has been 22 days and I haven't been assigned an editor yet.

Wang jinkang 2022-07-05

Why hasn't the editor been assigned for a week? It's very frustrating.

Wang jinkang 2022-07-05

May I ask which special edition you subscribed to?

Wang jinkang 2022-07-04

May I ask how long it takes for you to assign an editor? It has been a week and I still haven't been assigned an editor.

我心永恒168 2022-06-28

2022 latest impact factor 3.12

我来了 2022-06-22

Friend, which AE is this AE invited?

口袋贩子 2022-06-10

2022-4-20 submitted
2022-5-10 invited for review
2022-5-23 under review
2022-5-30 pending approval
2022-6-7 minor revision
2022-6-10 under review
2022-7-6 changed to reviewers invited, and found out that the academic editor has also been replaced
Midway status changed to AE assigned, email inquiry revealed that they are searching for new reviewers
Re-invited reviewers

2022-9-9 received acceptance email, submitted final version and paid the fee

nomal 2022-06-09

This journal is generally considered to have a very good speed, and the updates are also very timely. I recommend everyone to submit their contributions.

yncyyds1 2022-05-22

"May I ask if this is a special issue that you submitted?"

yncyyds1 2022-05-22

Is it a special issue that you submitted? So fast.

Pursuer_SCI 2022-05-19

Submit (2022.4.5) - Minor revisions (2022.5.9) - Receive and send editable manuscript (2022.5.17) - Send for typesetting (2022.5.19)

熊哥哥 2022-05-10

Submission - Acceptance - Proofreading and Editing - Confirmation - Publication, the speed is acceptable, to retrieval, the time is acceptable.

小白爱学习 2022-05-02

May 1st, hired, notified PUBLISHED, preparing to enter the final draft.

小白爱学习 2022-04-25

Hello, friend, I specialize in CVs. For the template, I use Word. This journal has a Word template, so you can use that. If it is accepted, they will provide you with typesetting.

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