认证评论 - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

qwe1223 2022-12-06

But I calculated the submission and acceptance ratio, and it's still around 30%.

qwe1223 2022-12-06

But when I calculated the submission and acceptance ratio, it's still around 30%.

唐唐不爱吃糖 2022-12-04

It has been 2 months and still "AE INVITED".

laodan 2022-12-02

Friends, pay attention. As of early December 2022, the publication volume of this journal has already reached nearly 4000 articles, while the total publication volume in 2021 was less than 500, which means it has grown 8 times. It is estimated that it will continue to grow even more by the end of this year, so by 2023, it will definitely be a warning journal, and possibly a high warning one.
In conclusion, I regretted my decision to invest in it. It was miscalculated.

0x_LR 2022-12-01

12.01 Submitted - Submitted on December 1st.
12.02 得知期刊9月出过问题,已成功撤稿 - Learned that there were issues with the journal in September and successfully retracted the submission.

伊里奇 2022-11-14

Is this Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience free of charge?

我就不信了~ 2022-11-11

May I ask how long the review period for this journal is?

小啊牛 2022-11-09

Why hasn't there been any updates on the special issue recently? I don't know what's going on.

迷路的小耳蜗 2022-10-28

I submitted an article about dizziness and cognition, mainly focusing on developing a game testing suite. It has been two months since it was submitted for editing, but I haven't received any response. Is the progress really this slow? Can I submit it to another journal? My article is about the development of a tablet combination test, which consists of four small tests that assess different cognitive dimensions. I also conducted a comparison between clinical and normal individuals. Does anyone have any good ideas? I am open to collaboration.

梦兮 2022-10-26

Excuse me, have you assigned an AE now?

yangshanliang 2022-10-25

October 18th major revision
October 25th revised submitted

梦兮 2022-10-20

The text "Submitted on 2022-10-12" is already in English.

梦兮 2022-10-19

"May I ask how this problem is solved?"

yangshanliang 2022-10-18

Still in PENDING APPROVAL status, it's been more than ten days, no significant changes.

+努力努力再努力 2022-10-16

Hello, may I ask what is the current status of your thesis?

唐唐不爱吃糖 2022-10-10

October 10th Unassigned
Is it normal for the editing to not be assigned even after 9 days?

唐唐不爱吃糖 2022-10-10

October 2nd Submitted
December 4th Still Invited to AE

yangshanliang 2022-10-09

Submitted on July 28th;
Under review on October 6th;
Pending approval on October 7th.

What does "pending approval" mean? Does it mean that the review comments will be returned in one day? Does anyone know about this?

+努力努力再努力 2022-09-24

How long does it take for under review?

小啊牛 2022-09-18

How long does it usually take to get results after "under review"?

sdfsdfdfsdfs 2022-09-16

May I ask about the current status of the original poster's submission?

ustczxr 2022-09-10

It's normal, there is always pending approval at any stage, just wait for the invitation to the reviewers and their response. If pending approval happens before inviting the reviewers, it might be the editor or academic editor who has something to say, so wait a moment.

sdfsdfdfsdfs 2022-09-09

Thank you very much for your response. I just checked my backend system and it shows that the version is still 1, but the status is already PENDING APPROVAL. Is this situation normal? However, it has been two weeks since it became PENDING APPROVAL.

ustczxr 2022-09-08

Because after submission, the backend management system will have version 1, version 2, version 3, and so on. There is a time record on the backend, so the day when the first version was submitted and the day when the reviewers made comments are all available.

小七月 2022-09-07

Hello, do all authors need to confirm this journal?

小七月 2022-09-07

Hello, I would like to ask if all authors need to register for confirmation?

sdfsdfdfsdfs 2022-09-07

Where in the system can I see such detailed time nodes?

little hua 2022-09-06

Did you enter the external audit?

lolila 2022-09-04

I would like to ask if you have invested in a special issue.

恶徒不错吧 2022-08-23

Is it normal for there to be no assigned editor even after twenty-two days of making a correction for a numbering error pointed out in a special issue article one week after submission?

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