认证评论 - Sustainability
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ZXY 2022-09-26

Why can't the journal's official website be accessed recently?

gentleman006 2022-09-24

Improved quality, it is still a pretty good journal with high efficiency.

lilady 2022-09-23

Because Chinese people submit many articles, there is a wide variety of submissions, and the publication fee is high, does that make it a reputable journal? Then what should we call domestic journals that are on par with rotten eggs? Among them, there are some good quality articles, please do not use your own disciplinary perspective to evaluate other disciplines! MDPI is blacklisted because it refuses to accept submissions from Chinese hospital personnel. If it were me, I would not accept them either, as over 90% of the withdrawn papers come from various medical institutions! I submitted an article and encountered a very professional reviewer who provided numerous comments. Some of the comments were indeed valuable. Thankfully, I made the necessary revisions according to the reviewer's suggestions and it took one and a half months from submission to acceptance!

牧羊人 2022-09-22

Has the revised draft been returned? How long does it take to receive the feedback while under review?

若是如初见 2022-09-22

Today, we resubmitted it after making minor revisions following the second review.

超级无敌小学渣 2022-09-20

Excuse me, has the result come out? I am still waiting for the external review. Will I be rejected? I am very worried.

超级无敌小学渣 2022-09-20

May I ask what is the current status, same as "under review"?

超级无敌小学渣 2022-09-20

May I ask what the current status is? Is it still under review?

牧羊人 2022-09-18

9.1 Submission
9.2 Under review

wanmei 798 2022-09-17

7.31 Submission
8.2 External Review
8.8 Minor Revision (5 days)
8.14 Submit Revised Manuscript
8.16 Editor's Decision
8.19 Acceptance

依缘 2022-09-13

"Sustainability can become a template..."

A.song 2022-09-11

9.5 After major revision submission
9.11 Still have not received notice of acceptance or rejection
I would like to ask how many days it usually takes to receive a response after submitting after major revision.

six god 2022-09-08

Don't worry, just wait a few days and it will be fine. It has been less than a month for you, so why rush? I had to wait for three months for my core library to be included.

wn80011 2022-09-04

Excuse me everyone, my thesis was submitted online on August 19th. Today, I can see it on Web of Science, but I am unable to access the link. It seems that it has not been indexed in the core database. Does anyone know the reason for this? I noticed that many previously published papers also cannot generate retrieval reports. Thank you all!

wn80011 2022-09-04

Hello, may I ask if my article can be found on Web of Science, but the link cannot be accessed? Is it because it has not been indexed yet or is there any other reason?

LittleMoon 2022-09-03

9.3 is not online yet.

一个灌水的辣鸡 2022-09-02

May I ask how much time it took you to retrieve the information from online to WOS?

LittleMoon 2022-09-01

7.22 (Friday) Submission
7.25 (Monday) External review
8.24 Minor revisions (5 days)
8.29 Submission of revised manuscript
8.30 Editor-in-chief's decision
8.31 Acceptance

柯基派对 2022-08-31

Posted on June 25th.
WOS can be searched on August 30th.
The journal's speed is very fast, whether it is review or editing feedback. It is my own procrastination that it took two months to be published.
For those who are in a hurry to graduate or need to be evaluated for awards, you can submit. It is fast, and the editor is also very serious and responds promptly.

若是如初见 2022-08-29

8.05 submission
8.05 under review
- No response yet
Feeling a bit anxious...

一个灌水的辣鸡 2022-08-29

7.20 submission
7.21 under review
7.29 major revision
8.14 revised
8.22 minor revision
8.24 accepted
8.26 published

Polyfit 2022-08-29

Do I need to use a school or institution email to submit to this journal?

Polyfit 2022-08-29

Do I have to use a student or institutional email to submit to this journal?

赵鱼鱼 2022-08-28

8.8 Submitting manuscript
8.21 You can find the opinions of three reviewers on the official website, which suggest major revisions, and one of them even suggests resubmission.
Since the 21st, it has been in a pending decision status. I asked the editor and they said they are inquiring with the editorial department. It has been a week and there is still no news, which is making me a little anxious.

Qu 2022-08-20

Received Date 2022.7.14 - The date on which it was received.
Revised Date 2022.8.1 - The date on which it was revised.
Accepted Date 2022.8.8 - The date on which it was accepted.
Published Date 2022.8.10 - The date on which it was published.

wn80011 2022-08-19

Excuse me, how long does pending conversion take to go online?

wn80011 2022-08-18

2022/7/6 - Submitted
2022/7/7 - Under review
2022/8/8 - Minor revision for 5 days
2022/8/12 - Submitted revised manuscript
2022/8/17 - Accepted
2022/8/17 - Pending English
2022/8/18 - English correction done

The waiting time during the "under review" stage was a bit long and agonizing, but fortunately, the outcome was good.

Alex 2022-08-15

On average, it takes 25-35 days for my publication to be indexed in WOS after its publication. You can search for the journal's articles on WOS and then visit the Sustainability official website to check the corresponding literature and observe their review and indexing speed.

linsanity0920 2022-08-15

The overall feeling is that time is tight. The editorial department has been pushing me to meet deadlines. Although it's a bit tiring, the result is good and I am very happy. The cost is 2000 CHF (page fee) + 435 USD (editing fee).

Submitted on July 8th, reviewed on July 10th, and the review process took 16 days. After making revisions, it was reviewed again, with about 18 significant revisions suggested. I had 10 days to make the revisions. Resubmitted on August 4th, accepted on August 6th, and published on August 9th.

When submitting, it is recommended to use the template provided by the editorial department to format the article. This shows a professional attitude and increases the chances of acceptance. It is also useful to describe the research significance in terms of sustainability.

For editing, I chose the middle option, which seems to be the fast version. It was supposed to be completed in two working days, but it was actually delivered half a day after payment. Very fast.

Payment can be made through UnionPay credit card (using PayPal). The payment link can be found in the payment attachment in the email. It is relatively convenient, but there is a 5% service fee for editing, up to 200 RMB, which is acceptable.

In fact, there are many details in the submission process that I can't remember clearly. They need to be carefully considered. However, overall, this journal offers good value for money.

北巷南风丶 2022-08-15

Excuse me, how long does it take for an article to be published in MDPI and become searchable in the web of science?

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